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Speed and Velocity What is Speed and Velocity?.

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Presentation on theme: "Speed and Velocity What is Speed and Velocity?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speed and Velocity What is Speed and Velocity?

2 Speed is the distance traveled per unit time.

3 Pretend you are looking at your future car's speedometer while you are driving. The reading you get from your speedometer is instantaneous speed… This is the speed that you are traveling at that moment.

4 Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time
Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time. It can be calculated using the following formula: speed = distance time ...or shortened: s =_____ d t

5 “A car traveled 110 miles in 2 hours”
Consider the problem… “A car traveled 110 miles in 2 hours” Step 1 Read the problem, draw a picture 110 miles 2 hours Formula Plug-in Answer d = t = s = Units, units, units!

6 ? “A car traveled 110 miles in 2 hours” 110 miles 2 hours Formula
Step 2 Write down what you know, What are you trying to find? 110 miles 2 hours Formula Plug-in Answer d = 110 miles t = 2 hours s = ? Units, units, units!

7 ? “A car traveled 110 miles in 2 hours” s = d t Formula Plug-in Answer
Step 3 Set up the formula s = d t Formula Plug-in Answer d = 110 miles t = 2 hours s = ? Units, units, units!

8 ? “A car traveled 110 miles in 2 hours” Formula Plug-in Answer d =
Step 3 Set up the formula Formula Plug-in Answer d = 110 miles t = 2 hours d S = s = ? t Units, units, units!

9 “A car traveled 110 miles in 2 hours”
Step 4 Plug in the numbers and Solve 55 mi/hr Formula Plug-in Answer d = 110 mi 2 hours t = d 110 mi S = S = S = 55 mi/hr s = 55 mi/hr t 2 hr Units, units, units!

10 Do the problems 1-2 on your notes

11 instantaneous speed (speed on your speedometer) and average speed do not involve direction.

12 What is the difference between speed and velocity?
55 mi/hr Velocity has speed & direction. 55 mi/hr All of these cars had different velocities because they were going in different directions 55 mi/hr

13 A distance Time graph makes it possible to “see” speed.
This graph shows how fast the swimmers went during their workout. Which swimmer went at a constant (the same) speed throughout her workout? Constant speed Is a straight line Which one stopped during their workout? Stopped here 400 meters at 10, 15, & 20 minutes

14 Make the Speed graph & Answer the questions

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