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What Is Bullying? What do you think bullying is? Bullying is:

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2 What Is Bullying? What do you think bullying is? Bullying is:
hurting someone else, on purpose; something that happens repeatedly (over and over again); not the same as something that happens once; hurtful in lots of different ways.

3 Different Kinds of Bullying
x x x x Verbal bullying is calling someone names, saying nasty things or making threats. Physical Physical bullying can be any cruel way of touching another person, like pushing, hitting or kicking someone. It is usually more obvious to others as it can leave marks or bruises and people may see it happening. Cyber bullying is when people use social media, , photos, videos, text or any other form of technology to target someone and make them feel bad. It can be easy for a bully to make comments from far away and they can communicate with the victim at any time. It can be done secretively and it can be embarrassing. There are lots of Twinkl resources available to help you stay safe online. Social bullying is not always as easy to see. It can be done secretly and does not leave marks. It is done by damaging someone’s reputation and their friendships. It is often very hard to trace. Social Bullying Cyber Verbal

4 Different Kinds of Bullying
How many types of bullying can you see in this video? Click here

5 Indirect Bullying There is also a kind of bullying which is less obvious. Indirect bullying does not involve verbally or physically hurting someone, or targeting them on the Internet. Indirect bullying is a bit like social bullying. It involves: leaving people out of things; talking about others behind their backs; spreading rumours; standing by and watching bullying happen. Indirect bullying is just as hurtful as other kinds of bullying.

6 The Impact of Bullying How do you think being bullied can make someone feel? How can it affect their daily life? How can it be stopped?

7 Why Have a Week about Bullying?
Devoting a whole week to learning about bullying encourages children, teachers and parents to take action against this behaviour. It promotes action - not just during this week, but throughout the year. Each year’s theme makes us think about something different to do with bullying. BULLYING

8 What Is Anti-Bullying Week?
Anti-Bullying Week is a way of getting people’s attention. It is a week during which we learn about bullying and how to deal with it. Anti-Bullying Week has a different theme each year. This year’s theme is All Different – All Equal. What do you think this means?

9 All Different – All Equal
The theme of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week is All Different – All Equal. Sometimes, bullying takes place because people look different. We are all different but we should all be treated as equals. Watch this video to find out more about treating people equally. Click here

10 What Can You Do? It is hard to stop bullying. Why do you think it’s so tricky? Tell someone you trust – a parent, teacher, older relative. They will make sure it’s dealt with properly. Be kind to the person being bullied. Someone who is being bullied can feel alone, sad and scared. Smile, talk to them or include them in something. It will make a big difference.

11 Reflection

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