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working appreciatively to make it happen

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1 working appreciatively to make it happen
SUCI/PPI in DAHP working appreciatively to make it happen Jon Fieldhouse ‘Making it Happen’ – Nov 21st 2012


3 changing what is ‘standard’
“Programmes that do not meet the standard would not be approved or would have their on-going approval withdrawn (subject to the opportunity to meet the conditions).” (HCPC 2012)

4 PPI/SUCI input teaching prog development marking & moderating
research partners admissions interviews

5 the problem with problem-solving
lays blame or adopts a ‘moral high ground’ creates a focus on what we don’t want misses out what already ‘works’

6 assumptions of AI know ‘the best of what is’ dialogues about strengths or successes are transformational for the organisations that undertake them what we talk about gets bigger! (Cooperrider & Whitney 2005)

7 assumptions of AI know ‘the best of what is’ dialogues about strengths or successes are transformational for the organisations that undertake them what we talk about gets bigger! (Cooperrider & Whitney 2005)


9 AI in AHP so far … expertise already exists in HLS
my roles is ‘facilitator’ only learning from proven success g time savings g good collegial working g enriching for staff &students

10 Sources Cooperrider DL, Whitney D( 2005) Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change. San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler. HPC (2012) Service User Involvement in the Design and Delivery of Education and Training Programmes Leading to Registration with the Health Professions Council. HPC Short Paper

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