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What’s Happening in kindergarten?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s Happening in kindergarten?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s Happening in kindergarten?
Mrs. Dininny’s class news 9-25 to 9-29 A Note from the Teacher What’s Happening in kindergarten? Thank you for being committed to helping your child with reading, homework, and letter/number formation! This week, we focus on reviewing the letters Mm, Nn, Ll, Tt and Hh. We will continue working in Literacy Centers. We will focus on the letter Aa in our theme “Apples.” We will complete many different & fun sensory-based activities. We will taste different kinds of apples, make crockpot applesauce, and make a treat similar to apple pie! We will keep working on numbers 1-5, and begin working on 6-10. Classroom reminder Please remember to check your child’s folder every night. Please make sure any homework that is sent home is being completed. Dates to remember Picture Day—Thursday, September 28, 2017 Family tree apple cut-outs due Friday, Sept. 29 Free Anti-Bullying t-shirt froms due Friday, Sept. 29 Thank You, Mrs. Dininny

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