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Designing a Research Project

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1 Designing a Research Project
Introduction to Educational Research (5th ed.) Craig A. Mertler & C.M. Charles Chapter 6 Designing a Research Project

2 How Planning for Research Should Be Done
Attention should be given to: Introduction Method Data analysis Time schedule Budget (Gay & Airasian, 2000) Planning according to whether research is qualitative or quantitative (Wiersma, 2000)

3 Tasks To Be Accomplished When Planning Research
TASK #1: State the topic, problem, and questions/hypotheses Include importance of the study, limitations, delimitations, assumptions TASK #2: Outline the library search for related information Include both primary and secondary sources Develop review from: general specific earlier more recent

4 Tasks To Be Accomplished When Planning Research (cont’d.)
TASK #3: Identify needed data and their sources TASK #4: List the steps needed to complete the study Include sampling procedures (if necessary), descriptions of what will be expected of participants, and methods of ensuring quality of data TASK #5: Specify the procedures and tools to be used in data collection Include description of data collection instruments

5 Tasks To Be Accomplished When Planning Research (cont’d.)
TASK #6: Foresee how data can best be analyzed and interpreted Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative data Anticipate possible findings and conclusions TASK #7: Anticipate the appropriate report format, based on a generic format: 1. Specification of the problem 2. Review of related literature 3. Procedures and data collection 4. Data analysis 5. Findings 6. Conclusions

6 Applying Technology… Web sites to assist in writing reports
Dr. Trochim’s "Key Elements" of research reports ( Dr. Trochim’s guide to "Formatting" research reports ( The complete text of a sample research paper (

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