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Analyze the motion of a projectile with initial velocity at an angle

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2 Analyze the motion of a projectile with initial velocity at an angle

3 A system of objects interconnected by a pulley; with one object on an angled plane and with both objects hanging with respect to Newton’s laws

4 Analyze the forces causing centripetal acceleration of an object moving with UCM on a: banked surface, flat surface, vertical plane A car with a mass of 1.50 X 103 kg goes around a banked corner. The radius of the curve of the road is 120m. The bank is at an angle of 25º from the horizontal. (Note: Friction is neglectible.) a) Draw a FBD. b) Calculate the centripetal force. c) What is the maximum constant speed that a car can go safely around the corner? d) What is the maximum constant speed that a 3000 kg truck car could safely go around this corner?

5 Analyze the motion of an object where kinetic, gravitational, elastic and thermal energies and work are exchanging energy

6 Analyze a collision in 2-D that are elastic, inelastic and completely inelastic
In the game of curling the red team’s stone is traveling at 8m/s and hits the blue team’s stone (at rest) and leaves at a 300 angle while the blue team’s stone leaves at 30o below the horizontal what is the final speed of each stone?

7 Determine the gravitational energy of an object based on its motion and position in a gravitational field How much energy do you need to escape Earth’s gravitational field? How about to just a distance 4re away? If an object was orbiting 4re away from the Earth, what additional energy would it need to escape?

8 Analyze a static object which has a combination of electric and other forces acting upon it
Charge sphere X and Y are in a fixed position and have charges as shown below: Calculate the net force on Z. d= 40.0cm d= 15.0cm qX = 5.5x10-7C qY = -3.4x10-8C

9 Calculate how time, length and momentum are observed in a moving frame of reference
A person travels for 3.0 years at the speed 0.70c relative to a physics student on Earth. Calculate the time that has passed for the student. What thought experiment could be used to reason why time dilation occurs?


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