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Folyamatok megválasztása és térbeli elrendezés

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Presentation on theme: "Folyamatok megválasztása és térbeli elrendezés"— Presentation transcript:

1 Folyamatok megválasztása és térbeli elrendezés

2 Bevezetés Folyamatok megválasztása Ide értve főleg:
Meghatározni a termék vagy szolgáltatás előállításának megszervezési módját Ide értve főleg: Kapacitástervezés Létesítmények térbeli kialakítása Berendezések Munkavégzési rendszerek megtervezése

3 Folyamatok megválasztása és rendszerek tervezése
Outputok Inputok Előrejelzés Termék- és szolgáltatás-tervezés Technológia változása Kapacitás tervezés Folyamat választás Létesítmények és berendezések Kialakítás Munkavégzési rendszer

4 Folyamatstratégia Fő aspektusai Tőke- vagy munkaintenzív
Folyamat rugalmassága Változásokhoz igazítás Tervezés Volumen Technológia

5 Folyamat megválasztása
Változatok száma Mennyi Rugalmasság Szintje Volumen Várt kibocsátás Kissorozat (batch) Egyedi gyártás (job shop) Sorozat Folyamat Batch = köteg

6 Folyamatok típusai Downtime = állásidő

7 Folyamat-típusok és volumen
Job shop Small scale, wide variety of goods Batch Moderate volume, flexible Repetitive or assembly line High volumes of standardized goods or services Continuous Very high volumes of non-discrete goods Projects Non-routine work, unique set ob objectives, limited timeframe and resources

8 Termék-folyamat mátrix
Optimális megfelelés a diagonálison.

9 Folyamatok megválasztásának hatásai a funkciókra/tevékenységekre
Változékonyság, folyamat rugalmassága, egységköltség Volumen Limited (not ongoing)

10 Példák (tipikus folyamattípus?)
Movie production Bakery Restaurant (non fast food) University Car repairing (car mechanic shop) Oil mining Producing office tools Veterinarian Project Batch Job shop Continuous Repetitive

11 Termék/szolgáltatás életciklusa
Alongside the life cycle the sales and with it the production volume can change. Thus managers must be aware of the change in the optimal processing system. (the necessity of change is highly dependent on the particular good or service)

12 Példa Computer building shop in a garage (working for order only, one computer at a time for given purposes) The shop hires some workers and producing some dozens of computers for one customer at a time Computer factory is established, creating large number of computer series The R&D function of the firm invents a new computer prototype Job shop Batch Repetitive Project

13 Product/Service Profiling
Linking key product or service requirements to process capabilities. Design the process with taking into consideration the following: Range of products/services Expected order size Pricing Expected frequency of changes in schedules etc. Order-winning requirements

14 Fenntartható termelés
Non-polluting Conserving natural resources & energy Economically efficient Safe and healthful for workers, communities and consumers Socially and creaqtively rewarding for workers

15 Automation of production and services
Automation: Machinery that has sensing and control devices that enables it to operate Fixed automation Programmable automation

16 Advantages of automation
Low variability in performance and quality Machines do not get bored or distracted go out on strike or ask for higher wages lower variable costs

17 Disadvantages Higher initial (investment) cost and Higher fixed costs
Lower felxibility Higher skills needed Lower morale of human workforce Need for standardisation Products Processes Equipment and materials etc.

18 Automation Computer-aided design and manufacturing systems (CAD/CAM)
Numerically controlled (NC) machines Computerized numerical control (CNC) Direct numerical control (DNC) Robot: mechanical arm + power supply + controller Manufacturing cell Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM): allows individual processes to exchange information with each other and initiate actions

19 Facilities Layout Layout: the configuration of departments, work centers, and equipment, with particular emphasis on movement of work (customers or materials) through the system

20 Importance of Layout Decisions
Requires substantial investments of money and effort Involves long-term commitments Has significant impact on cost and efficiency of short-term operations

21 The Need for Layout Decisions
Inefficient operations High (variable) cost Bottlenecks Changes in the design of products or services The introduction of new products or services Safety Changes in environmental or other legal requirements Changes in volume of output or mix of products Changes in methods and equipment Morale problems

22 Objectives of facility layout
Main: smooth flow of work, material and information Supporting objectives:

23 Basic Layout Types Product layouts Process layouts
Fixed-Position layout Combination layouts: Cellular layout (& group technology) Flexible manufacturing systems

24 Basic Layout Types Product layout Process layout Fixed Position layout
Layout that uses standardized processing operations to achieve smooth, rapid, high-volume flow Process layout Layout that can handle varied processing requirements Fixed Position layout Layout in which the product or project remains stationary, and workers, materials, and equipment are moved as needed

25 Product Layout Used for Repetitive or Continuous Processing

26 Advantages of Product Layout
High rate of output Low unit cost Labor specialization Low material handling cost High utilization of labor and equipment Established routing and scheduling Routing accounting and purchasing

27 Disadvantages of Product Layout
Creates dull, repetitive jobs Poorly skilled workers may not maintain equipment or quality of output Fairly inflexible to changes in volume Highly susceptible to shutdowns Needs preventive maintenance Individual incentive plans are impractical

28 A U-Shaped Production Line

29 Advantages/disadvantages of U-shaped lines
Shorter distances for workers & machines Permits communication thus facilitates teamwork More flexible work assignments Optimal if the facility has the same entry and exit point If lines are highly automated, there is no need for communication and travel If entry points are on the opposite side as exit points Noise and contamination factors are increased in the U-shape

30 Used for Intermittent processing
Process Layout Process Layout (functional) Dept. A Dept. B Dept. D Dept. C Dept. F Dept. E Intermittent = megszakításos Used for Intermittent processing Job Shop or Batch

31 Advantages of Process Layouts
Can handle a variety of processing requirements Not particularly vulnerable to equipment failures Equipment used is less costly Possible to use individual incentive plans

32 Disadvantages of Process Layouts
In-process inventory costs can be high Challenging routing and scheduling Equipment utilization rates are low Material handling slow and inefficient Complexities often reduce span of supervision Special attention for each product or customer Accounting and purchasing are more involved

33 Fixed-position layouts
The product or project remains stationary and workers, materials, and equipment are moved as needed. If weight, size, bulk, or some other factor makes it undesirable or extremely difficult to move the product. E.g. firefighting, road-building, home-building, drilling for oil etc.

34 Cellular Layouts Cellular Production Group Technology
Layout in which machines are grouped into a cell that can process items that have similar processing requirements Group Technology The grouping into part families of items with similar design or manufacturing characteristics Makes cellular production much more effective Cellular = sejtszerű

35 Traditional process layout
Cellular layout Traditional process layout Milling = marás, deburring = csiszolás; boring = fúrás

36 Functional/process vs. Cellular Layouts
Dimension Functional Cellular Number of moves between departments many few Travel distances longer shorter Travel paths variable fixed Job waiting times greater Throughput time higher lower Amount of work in process Supervision difficulty Scheduling complexity Equipment utilization

37 Flexible manufacturing systems
FMS: a group of machnies designed to handle intermittent processing requirements and produce a variety of similar products. CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing): a system of linking a broad range of manufacturing activities through an integrating computer system

38 Service Layouts Warehouse and storage layouts Retail layouts
Minimizing movement & picking time and cost Retail layouts Presence & influence of customers Office layouts: Information is computerized, image of openness

39 Design Product Layouts: Line Balancing
Line Balancing is the process of assigning tasks to workstations in such a way that the workstations have approximately equal time requirements. This way the idle time will be minimized, utilization will be maximized. Specialization: dividing work into elemental tasks that can be performed quickly and routinely.

40 Cycle Time Cycle time is the maximum time allowed at each workstation to complete its set of tasks on a unit. tmax < Cycle time < ∑t

41 Determine the Minimum Number of Workstations Required
(rounded up to the next integer) Theoretical Nmin is not necessarily will be the Nactual. The latter is affected by other technical and practical considerations, too. Nmin ≤ Nactual

42 A simplified precedence
Precedence Diagram A diagram that shows elemental tasks and their precedence requirements. A simplified precedence diagram a b c d e 0.1 min. 0.7 min. 1.0 min. 0.5 min. 0.2 min.

43 Example 1: (Assembly) Line Balancing
Assume that the desired output is 480 units per day. The facility is working 8 hours a day. The elemental tasks and their connections are shown on the previous slide. Calculate the cycle time. Calculate the minimum number of workstations. Arrange the tasks to these workstations in the order of the greatest number of following tasks.

44 Example 1 Solution Workstation Time Remaining Eligible Assign Task
Revised Time Remaining Station Idle Time 1 1.0 0.9 0.2 a, c * c ** none*** a c - 2 b 0.0 3 0.5 0.3 d e Total: 0.5 Eligible = kiosztható * Tasks that have no predecessors. ** b is not eligible, because it needs more time than than the remaining. *** Every available task needs more time than 0.2.

45 Calculate Percent Idle Time and efficiency
Efficiency %= 100 x (1 – Percentage of idle time)

46 Line balancing procedure

47 Line Balancing Heuristics
Assign tasks in order of most following tasks. Count the number of tasks that follow Assign tasks in order of task time. Assign tasks in order of greatest positional weight. Positional weight is the sum of each task’s time plus the times of all following tasks.

48 Example 2 Working day is 8 hours and the desired output rate is 400 units per day. Draw the precedence diagram. Compute the cycle time & the minimum theoretical number of workstations required. Assign tasks to workstations according to the greatest number of following tasks. Tiebreaker: longest processing time goes first. Calculate Percent idle time & efficiency.

49 Solution 2 CT = (8*60)/400= 1.2; Nmin = ∑ti / CT = 3.17 → 4
a b e c f d h g CT = (8*60)/400= 1.2; Nmin = ∑ti / CT = 3.17 → 4 Work station Tasks assigned Idle time WS1 a,c,b WS2 d,e 0.3 WS3 f 0.2 WS4 g,h 0.5 Percentage idle time = 1.0 / (4*1.2) = 20.83% Efficiency = 100 – = 79.17%

50 Other approaches Paralell workstations
Cross-train workers (dynamic line balancing) Mixed model line (more product on the same line)

51 Parallel Workstations
1 min. 2 min. 30/hr. 1 min. on average 60/hr. Bottleneck Parallel Workstations 2 min. 2 min.

52 Thank you for your attention

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