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Bellwork January 5-8th.

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1 Bellwork January 5-8th

2 January 5, 2016 Bellwork: Brainstorm 5 things you remember about the American Revolution. Why did colonist revolt against the British? How could Enlightenment ideas inspire the revolution? Directions: In groups of 4, read the selection by Thomas Paine, and answer the questions. You must answer the questions that are on your card I give you, but each group member is responsible for having all of the answers. Be sure to annotate your reading----underline where you got your answer from and label the question (ex: #5). We will discuss the answers to these as a class. I will stamp this at the end of class. We will discuss your answers tomorrow.

3 January 8, 2016 Agenda: CNN Student News, Bellwork, Discuss questions from Thomas Paine “Common Sense”, American Revolution Notes CNN Student News: Write, in complete sentences, about at least three topics covered on the news today. Bellwork: Begin a new section of notes titled “American Revolution”. Copy the following vocabulary terms at the top of your paper: Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Treaty of Paris, James Madison, federal system

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