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Star Students 11/7-11/11 Literacy Calendar Birthdays None this week!

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1 Star Students 11/7-11/11 Literacy Calendar Birthdays None this week!
This week we will continue daily practice of our Jolly Phonics sounds. Please continue to support this at home daily. In Reading Workshop this week, we will continue with the Schoolwide Unit on Fiction. Students will learn about retelling a familiar tale by using common story structure and elements. When you are reading with your child this week, talk about things like characters, setting, and the main idea of the story. In Writing Workshop, we will begin the next unit, “List and Labels”. Students will look at the list format of a book and how they can use lists and labels in their own writing. Our book of the week is “In the Mirror”. The children will spend time this week looking at what makes them special. Our sight word this week “see”. Please practice the sight words we have learned daily. Calendar 11/11 – Veteran’s Day/ No School 11/14 – EDK conferences 11/17 – Conferences 11/21 – Early Release/ 10:10 Dismissal - Conferences 11/22 – Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast/ 9:00-10:00am 11/23-11/25 – No School Birthdays None this week! Math This week students will continue working in Module 4. They will be counting two groups of objects and comparing which number is greater and which number is less. Please use this vocabulary with your child at home. Children hear words like “more or smaller”, but sometimes we forget that words like “greater and less” are not common vocabulary for 5 year olds. **Make sure you turn in your family turkey project. **A note went home about our upcoming Thanksgiving Feast. Please let us know who in your family will be attending. Star Students 11/7 Josue 11/8 Olivia 11/9 Ray 11/10 Atticus 11/11 No School *Star student gets to bring in a show and tell.

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