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Referee Branch Management Structure

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1 Referee Branch Management Structure

2 Management Overview Over the past three years, Football Victoria (FV) has provided a branch management structure to provide sufficient resources to support the recruitment, retention & education of referees across metropolitan & regional Victoria. This structure has provided referees with improved opportunities to develop their refereeing. Most notably, referee registrations have grown by over 47% with more than 1400 referees, assessors & instructors now registered with FV. The branch management structure in 2019 will provide continual support to referees. FV has recently completed a branch management survey to collect feedback and recommendations from those who held positions in We would like to thank all those individuals who completed a role in 2018 and provided invaluable feedback to the FV Referees Department. That feedback and the information gathered will be relied on for the purpose of the 2019 branch management structure. FV has a uniform management structure across all branches. This structure allows referees a far greater level of education & development, and provides each referee with the opportunity to progress within the well-structured, consistent & modern refereeing education system. In order to continuously improve our referee operations, the following changes will take place. In 2019, the Branch Appointments Officer role will be divided into two roles, one role will appoint senior level matches, the other junior level matches. The role of the Branch Administrator will no longer be part of the branch management team roles, these duties will be assumed into the other roles within the branch management team. FV is committed to providing the Football Family with the best referees in Australia. You can assist us with this target by taking up a role in your referee branch and help us to support our rapidly growing game. We welcome applications from current referees, referee assessors & referee instructors who have the commitment, passion & time to fulfil any of the roles listed. Please note, all those that held positions in 2018 must reapply. Applications will close on 9 December All successful applicants will be required to attend the Branch Management Seminar at FFV Offices on Sunday 16 December pm - 5pm. To submit an application please use this link:

3 Management Structure Head Instructor
The 2019 Branch Management Structure will be as follows: Head Instructor Branch Coach x2 Level 4 Coordinator x2 Welfare Officer Youth Council Practical Trainer x2 Appointments Officer – Seniors Appointments Officer – Juniors

4 Head Instructor The Head Instructor will be responsible for the overall education & support systems provided within each FV Referee Branch. The role is the senior most position of responsibility within each branch. Overview: Facilitate as the lead instructor at monthly branch meetings presenting FV educational materials Facilitate as a lead presenter at branch meetings in other regions, during the season as agreed with FV . Provide leadership & mentoring to other referees, assessors & instructors within the branch. Work closely with the branch appointments officers & level 4 coordinator to integrate new referees into branch. Ensure the monthly branch meetings are conducted in an educational, timely & productive manner. Use social media platforms / to communicate with referees, FV and any other stakeholder group Provide FV with recommendations to improve referee education & support. Provide FV with administrative support & feedback on branch matters. Willing to undertake professional development during the season. Foster a culture of education & development in a open & transparent manner within the refereeing community. Preferred Accreditations: Minimum Level 3 Referee. Minimum Level 3 Referee Assessor. Minimum Level 3 Referee Instructor. Hold a current Working with Children check

5 Branch Coach Branch Coaches play a vital role within each referee branch. Coaches provide the lead support & mentoring role to referees both on & off the field. The branch coach also assists with the delivery of teaching materials at branch meetings, practical training sessions & any other educational opportunities as required. Note: There can be multiple branch coaches at each branch, it is envisaged that each branch will have 2 branch coaches. Overview: Work closely with the head instructor, branch appointments officer & level 4 coordinator to integrate new referees into the branch. Provide mentoring to referees & develop mentoring roles within the branch Present educational packages, supplied by FV, at branch meetings in an educational, timely & productive manner. In conjunction with the level 4 coordinator, conduct branch level 4 referee development training for new referees, as provided by FV. Conduct referee mentoring & assessments during the season with a focus on education & development of referees in a constructive manner Provide FV with recommendations to improve referee education & support. Maintain an attendance record at each branch meeting as supplied by FV. Send branch communications to referees when required for meetings, training and education sessions Provide FV with coaching support & feedback on branch matters. Willing to undertake professional development during the season. Foster a culture of education & development in a open & transparent manner within the refereeing community. Assist in the setup and delivery of monthly branch meetings Attend all branch meetings Preferred Accreditations: Minimum Level 4 Referee. Minimum Level 3 Referee assessor. Hold a current Working with Children check

6 Branch Practical Trainer
Branch practical trainers play an important role within each referee branch. The practical trainer will provide support & guidance to first season referees during the practical training sessions which referees are required to complete with their branch following the FV level 4 referee course. Note: There can be multiple branch practical trainers at each branch, it is expected that each branch will have 2 or more practical trainers Overview: Run practical training sessions for first season referees, usually two sessions per month. Conduct branch level 4 referee development training for new referees, in partnership with the branch coach. This is done prior to the branch meeting each month. Work closely with the head instructor, branch appointments officer, other mentors & level 4 coordinator to integrate new referees in to branch. Assist in the setup and delivery of monthly branch meetings. Use social media platforms / to communicate with referees Send branch communications to referees when required for meetings, training and education sessions Keep updated records of referees attending training as provided by FV. Provide FV with recommendations to improve referee education & support. Provide FV with mentoring support & feedback on branch matters. Willing to undertake professional development during the season. Foster a culture of education & development in a open & transparent manner within the refereeing community. Attend all branch meetings Preferred Accreditations: Minimum Level 4 Referee. Level 3 Referee Instructor Hold a current Working with Children check

7 Branch Appointments Officer – Seniors
The role of the branch appointments officer provides an important link between FV, the referee branch & each referee within the referee branch to ensure the best referee is appointed to each FV competition match. In 2019, this role will appoint to senior level matches for Men and Women in FV community competitions, junior fixtures will be appointed by the branch appointments officer – Juniors. Overview: Allocate appointments to referees in FV competitions as directed by FV. Allocate referee appointments for ‘referee request’ matches (junior & senior) for casual referee bookings as direct by FV. Appoint referee mentors to junior matches within the branch appointments. In conjunction with the other members of the branch management team, provide appointments summaries to target mentoring of new referees on matchday. Liaise with FV competitions department, clubs & any other party to ensure referee appointments coverage targets are met as directed by FV. Liaise with other appointments officers to give / seek assistance to ensure maximum coverage is achieved in all regions Send branch communications to referees when required for appointments, meetings, training and education sessions Invoice clubs or any other party for referee casual booking matches. Complete payments to each referee for any casual referee bookings. Use social media platforms / to communicate with referees. Invoice FV on a monthly basis for administration fees incurred for appointing FV competition matches. Provide FV with appointments documentation to meet coverage targets. Provide FV with administrative support & feedback on branch matters. Willing to undertake professional development during the season. Foster a culture of education & development in a open & transparent manner within the refereeing community. Attend all branch meetings Assist in the setup & delivery of monthly branch meetings. Preferred Accreditations: Minimum Level 4 Referee. Hold a current Working with Children check

8 Branch Appointments Officer – Juniors
The role of the branch appointments officer provides an important link between FV, the referee branch & each referee within the referee branch to ensure the best referee is appointed to each FV competition match. In 2019, this role will appoint to junior level matches for Boys and Girls in FV NPL and Community competitions, senior fixtures will be appointed by the branch appointments officer – Seniors. Overview: Allocate appointments to referees in FV competitions as directed by FV. Appoint referee mentors to junior matches within the branch appointments. In conjunction with the other members of the branch management team, provide appointments summaries to target mentoring of new referees on matchday. Liaise with FV competitions department, clubs & any other party to ensure referee appointments coverage targets are met as directed by FV. Liaise with other appointments officers to give / seek assistance to ensure maximum coverage is achieved in all regions Invoice clubs or any other party for referee casual booking matches. Complete payments to each referee for any casual referee bookings. Use social media platforms / to communicate with referees Send branch communications to referees when required for meetings, training and education sessions Invoice FV on a monthly basis for administration fees incurred for appointing FV competition matches. Provide FV with appointments documentation to meet coverage targets. Provide FV with administrative support & feedback on branch matters. Willing to undertake professional development during the season. Foster a culture of education & development in a open & transparent manner within the refereeing community. Attend all branch meetings Assist in the setup & delivery of monthly branch meetings. Preferred Accreditations: Minimum Level 4 Referee. Hold a current Working with Children check

9 Level Four Coordinator
The role of the Level 4 Coordinator is to be the first point of contact for new referees. This role will provide new referees with information and support after completing the Level 4 course while progressing into active refereeing. Two positions are available at each branch for this role, one of whom will be a parent contact in addition to providing support to new Level 4 referees. The role of Level 4 coordinator is crucial to the retention of first season referees and impacts on their refereeing experience in their first year greatly. Be the initial branch contact to welcome new level 4 referees & assist them as needed during their first season. Contact each referee prior to attending branch meetings. Send branch communications to referees when required for meetings, training and education sessions Attend branch meetings to welcome & introduce new referees to their branch. Conduct educational workshops, using FV educational materials for new level 4 referees prior to each monthly branch meeting Present green shirts and other equipment to first season referees at branch meetings. Use social media platforms / to communicate with referees. Communicate upcoming branch meeting dates with branch members Liaise with referee’s department to monitor the branch’s stock levels for new referee uniforms. Keep updated records of referees attending training as provided by FV. Ensure new referees are appointed to suitable fixtures by liaising with Branch Appointments Officer. Assist new referees with registration and Schedula. Willing to undertake professional development as required. Liaise with referee parents as required to support referee development. Attend all branch meetings Preferred Qualifications: Minimum Level Three referee. Hold a current Working with Children check

10 Youth Council Member The role of the branch Youth Council member is to liaise with the youth referees of each branch, and provide input and recommendations from these members to the Referee Youth Council meetings. Overview: Attend FV Referee Youth Council meetings and branch meetings. Liaise with young referees in Victoria at games and branch meetings for feedback on current issues for future discussion at Youth Council meetings. Provide feedback to the branch meeting regarding the direction and outcomes of the Youth Council meetings Use social media platforms / to communicate with referees Attend Level Four Development Training during the season. Willing to undertake professional development as required. Assist in the setup & delivery of monthly branch meetings. Preferred Accreditations: Minimum Level 4 Referee. Hold a current Working with Children check

11 Referee Welfare Officer
The role of the branch Welfare Officer is to provide support and guidance to referees who may require additional support regarding any issue directly and indirectly related to refereeing. When required they will also refer any matters to FV or suitably qualified professionals. Overview: Establish professional relationships with referees to support them with their refereeing initially, including dealing with any difficulties. Provide all referees with welfare support when required Attend / speak to and follow up with referees who are due to attend the tribunal, if and when required. Provide feedback to FV that improves the branch as a whole. Use social media platforms / to communicate with referees. Provide referees with additional avenues to seek support services when required. Willing to undertake professional development as required. Ensure all matters are dealt with in a fully confidential manner. Attend all branch meetings. Assist in the setup & delivery of monthly branch meetings. Preferred Accreditations: Minimum Level 4 Referee. Hold a current Working with Children check

12 Questions Please contact the FV Referees Department. (03)

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