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European Exploration.

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1 European Exploration

2 Motivations for Exploration
God Gold Glory

3 Marco Polo ( ) Stayed in the court of Kublai Khan; wrote about his experiences Travels of Marco Polo Fostered more interest about Asia

4 Motivations for Exploration
Ottoman Turks controlled much of Middle East Land travel now more difficult and expensive! European sailors look for ocean routes to India and China

5 Sugar Precious Metals Spices Major Commodities

6 Other Motivations Religious conversion of natives
Spirit of adventure and glory also important

7 Means of Travel Caravels made long distance travel possible
Astrolabe and magnetic compass for navigation Better knowledge of wind patterns Caravel- small, fast, maneuverable ship with large cargo holds and triangular sails

8 Alfonso de Albuquerque
Bartholomeu Dias Vasco da Gama Alfonso de Albuquerque First! Got to tip of the Cape of Good Hope Around Cape of Good Hope! Arrived at Calicut Made HUGE profit from spices Invaded city of Malaka in India Took over spice trade from Muslims Portuguese Explorers

9 Spanish Explorers Goal: Reach Asia by sailing west
Funded by Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain Four voyages Discovered Caribbean Islands and Honduras Ferdinand Magellan Christopher Columbus Goal: Find passage through South America Founded Strait of Magellan in S. America First to circumnavigate the globe Spanish Explorers

10 Portugal vs. Spain Portugal explores South Africa and Indian Ocean
Spain explored Atlantic and Pacific Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) Divided undiscovered territory in half Portugal=East Spain= West

11 Conquest of the Aztecs Cortes marched to Tenochtitlan in 1519 (550 soldiers) Made alliances with enemies of the Aztecs Welcomed by Moctezuma (Aztec king) Eventually captured and killed

12 Conquest of the Aztecs Cortes marched to Tenochtitlan in (550 soldiers) Made alliances with other city- states Huge revolt in 1520 drove away invaders Disease ended revolt in four months Tenochtitlan destroyed Gov’t buildings and churches built

13 The Spanish Empire and Colonies

14 The Conquistadors Hernan Cortes Francisco Pizarro

15 Conquest of the Incas Later than Aztecs (1531)
Pizarro lands with only 180 soldiers Incans in middle of civil war Pizarro captures and executes Atahuallpa (Incan emperor) New colony for Spain Controlled by parent country Linked by trade and government

16 How did they succeed?

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