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Presentation on theme: "UTILIZARE SOFT-URI SPECIALIZATE ÎN EFS/SPM"— Presentation transcript:

Curs : Sala Polivalentă ~ Joi 18-20    Activităţi: 2 ore curs, 1 ora laborator, (prezenta obligatorie) Mail: , Web: Nr.Curs C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 ... Data Cursuri Teme Laborator Data Curs-1 – Birotică, Multimedia, Windows Windows Curs-2 – Word-1  Word 1 Curs-3 –    -“-   2 Curs-4 – Excel  Excel Curs-5 –  Power Point Curs-6 – Pag. Web (Html) Web, Html

2 ~ Orar Sem. I 2013-2014 ~ Ziua Ora Sala Anul Form. Tip Disc. Luni
                                                                        Ziua Ora Sala Anul Form. Tip Disc. Luni 10-12 Sc An II 201,2 Lab. Uss 12-14 A312 1_MI-R 312 Sem. Fp 14-16 6/II 313 Marti L343 312/1 Mierc. C335 Joi 203,4 L336 Pbc,Si,Is 251,2,8 Dss 16-18 C310 Curs 18-20 Poliv. 201-4

3 C2 / … Birotica  Word-1 File : New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Print,… , Exit Edit : Find, Replace, … View : Toolbars, Header and Footer, …, Zoom Insert : Break, Symbol, Reference, Picture, File, Object, Bookmark, Hyperlink, … Doc. cu mai multe sectiuni (cu propr. diferite), Numerotare pagini, Dta&Timp, Car.Sp., Comentarii Referinte – Antet/subsol/Sf.doc., Numerotare-Den.fig., Referinte (incrucisate), – Index cuvinte(notiuni), Cuprins, Lista Figuri/Tabele, … Picture, Diagram, Textbox, File, Object, Bookmark, Hyperlink. Office Word 2007: File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, View Curs 3. - … – Microsoft Word-2 –… Format : … Tools : … Window : … Help : …

4 1. File :

5 1. File : New Open Close Save Save As … Page Setup … Print … Exit

6 1. File : New Open Close Save Save As … Page Setup … Margins  Print …

7 1. File : New Open Close Save Save As … Page Setup … Margins  Paper 
Print … Exit

8 1. File : New Open Close Save Save As … Page Setup … Margins  Paper 
Layout  Print … Exit

9 1. File : New Open Close Save Save As … Page Setup … Print … Exit

10 2. Edit : Undo Redo Find … Replace … Go To …

11 2. Edit : Undo Redo Find … Replace … Go To …

12 2. Edit : Undo Redo Find … Replace … Go To …

13 3. View : Toolbars … Zoom…

14 3. View : Toolbars … Zoom…

15 3. View : Toolbars … Zoom…

16 3. View : Toolbars … Zoom…

17 3. View : Header and Footer Zoom…

18 3. View : Toolbars … Zoom…

19 4. Insert  Break:

20 4. Insert  Page Numbers:

21 4. Insert  Date and Time:

22 4. Insert  Symbol:

23 4. Insert  Comment:

24 4. Insert  Reference  Footnote / Endnotes :

25 4. Insert  Reference  Footnote :
Figure 1

26 4. Insert  Reference  Cross-reference :

27 4. Insert  Reference  Index and Tables … Index :

28 4. Insert  Reference  Index and Tables … Cuprins :

29 4. Insert  Reference  Index and Tables:

30 4. Insert  Reference  Bullets and Numbering:

31 4. Insert  Reference  Index and Tables … Tabel of Figures :

32 4. Insert  Reference  Index and Tables … Important :
Corect  Avantaje: Index, Cuprins, Lista-figuri Se fac automat (numaratoare, link)! Se actualizeaza automat (Update Field)! Se modifica automat numerotarea, link la adaugari si stergeri de pagini, figuri, …!

33 4. Insert  Picture… : Silence please!

34 4. Insert  Diagram :

35 4. Insert  Text Box: Ctrl/C & Ctrl/V Copy & Paste Text Box Ctrl+ Alt+

36 4. Insert  File … :

37 4. Insert  Object … :

38 4. Insert  Bookmark (Semn de Carte) :

39 4. Insert  Hyperlink :

40 Office Word 2007

41 File

42 1. Home

43 1. Home - Font

44 1. Home – Font …

45 2. Insert

46 3. Page Layout

47 4. References

48 5. Mailings

49 6. Review

50 7. View

51 Tema - Realizati: Doc. cu mai multe sectiuni (cu propr. diferite),
Numerotare pagini, Dta&Timp, Car.Sp.(Symb.), Comentarii Referinte: Picture, Diagram, Textbox, File, Object, Bookmark, Hyperlink. Antet/subsol/Sf.doc. Numerotare-Den.fig., Referinte (incrucisate) : Index cuvinte(notiuni), Cuprins, Lista Figuri/Tabele C2 /


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