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Module 3 Unit 2 Today is Halloween.

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1 Module 3 Unit 2 Today is Halloween.
外研版新标准英语(一起)五年级上册 Module 3 Unit 2 Today is Halloween. 大连市中山区实验学校小学部 杜 鑫


3 Chocolate eggs

4 go clothes so chocolate lot O go so clothes chocolate lot

5 Read and answer. What’s on the children’s hats? When is Easter in the UK? What do people give children? What are sometimes in the big eggs?

6 What’s on the children’s hats?
Read and answer. What’s on the children’s hats? There are toy chicks and flowers on the hats.

7 Easter hats

8 Easter hats

9 2. When is Easter in the UK? Easter is in spring in the UK.
Read and answer. 2. When is Easter in the UK? Easter is in spring in the UK.

10 3. What do people give children?
Read and answer. 3. What do people give children? People give children chocolate eggs.

11 Sometimes there are small eggs in
Read and answer. 4. What are sometimes in the big eggs? Sometimes there are small eggs in the big eggs.

12 Easter Egg Roll

13 Play in the White House

14 Egg Hunt

15 Let's read!

16 Look and say. Spring Festival Halloween Christmas Mid-Autumn Festival

17 Let's chant!

18 Easter

19 Halloween

20 Christmas

21 Thanksgiving Day

22 Mother’s Day

23 National Day

24 Happy New Year

25 Lantern Festival

26 Teachers’ Day

27 Dragon Boat Festival

28 Labor Day

29 Do and say

30 Make a poster

31 Homework. 1.必做: 会写课文中的单词和目标语句; 背诵课文。 2.选做:完善海报。


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