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Siec Nyungc Daic Nyei Zuiz The Seven Deadly Sins
1 May 26, 2013 Siec Nyungc Daic Nyei Zuiz The Seven Deadly Sins Congh Mengh Waac (Proverbs) 6:16-19
Congh Mengh Waac Proverbs 6:16-19
2 Congh Mengh Waac Proverbs 6:16-19 “ZIOUV nzorng nyei maaih juqv nyungc, ninh gamh nziev nyei, youx nyei maaih siec nyungc. 17 Maaih m'zing-jaax hlang, gorngv-baeqc nyei nzuih, buoz daix maiv zoux dorngc nyei mienh,” 16 There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood.”
18 hnyouv daav orqv nyei za'eix, zaux tiux siepv nyei mingh lorz orqv nyei sic, 19 zoux jaav zorng-zengx nyei mienh tauv qiex kungx cuotv gorngv-baeqc nyei waac, caux mienh yiem ninh nyei gorx-youz mbu'ndongx coqv lunc mienh.” 18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, 19 a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.”
Biux Mengh Waac Introduction:
3 Biux Mengh Waac Introduction: Jiex daaih duqv juqv gitv lungh ndiev aqv, loz hnoi maaih dauh Pope, mbuox heuc Gregory. Ninh gorngv yiem naaiv lungh ndiev se maaih siec nyungc zuiz, ninh cuotv mbuo heuc daic nyei zuiz. At the close of the sixth century, Pope Gregory the Great classified all sins under seven distinct sins. It was his view that all sins committed could be placed under one of the seven distinct sins.
4 Ninh gorngv, naaiv deix zuiz se hnangv, “Ceng-hlo, qiex jiez, mueic jieqv, zoux maiv cing-nzengc, mauv nyanc mauv hopv, nzorng mienh, mangc mienh maiv faaux mueic, mauv zinh nyaanh, caux gorngv waac-huv nyei jauv. Ninh funx naaiv nyungc zuiz se benx waaic haic nyei zuiz. Naaiv nyungc zuiz se hnangv butv gomh huv baengc nor hoic mienh. He said that these sins were pride, anger, envy, impurity, gluttony, slothfulness and avarice, gossip. From that time until the present these seven sins have been known as the "Seven Deadly Sins."
5 I. CENG-HLO NYEI JAUV SE HAAIX NYUNGC? WHAT IS PRIDE? 1. Ceng-hlo nyei jauv se zuiz – Cong-Mengh Waac 21:4. Pride is a sin; Proverbs 21:4. 2. Ceng-hlo nyei jauv se benx zuiz ziangh jienv mbuo nyei maengc – Singx Nzung 73:6. Pride is a sin that binds; Psalms 73:6. 3. Ceng-hlo nyei jauv se Tin-Hungh yioux haic nyei sic - Cong-Mengh Waac 16:5; Singx Nzung 119:21. Pride is an abomination to God; Prov. 16:5; Ps. 119:21.
6 II. CENG-HLO NYEI JAUV SE YIEM HAAIX DAAIH? FROM WHERE DOES PRIDE COME? 1. Yiem jaav-cong-mengh daaih – Lomaa 1:22,28,29. It comes from false wisdom; Romans 1:22, 28, 29, 30. 2. Yiem maaih ceng-hlo nyei hnyouv daaih Cong-Mengh Waac 26:12. It comes from conceit; Proverbs 26:12. 3. Yiem ganh nyei hnyouv hnamv cuotv daaih Maako 7: It comes from within; Mark 7:
7 III. CENG-HLO NYEI JAUV ZIANGH HAAIX JIEX GORN? WHEN DOES PRIDE BEGIN? 1. Jiex gorn yiem butv zoih nyei jauv – 2 Hungh Douh 20:13; I^saa^yaa 39:2. It begins with wealth . Hezekiah; II Kings 20:13; Isaiah 39:2. 2. Jiex gorn yiem mengh daauh nyei jauv…Haamaan (E^se^te 5:11). It begins with self-esteem …Haman; Esther 5:11. 3. Jiex gorn yiem duqv taaih nyei jauv – 2 Hungh Douh 5: It begins with an exalted position Naaman; 2 Kings 5:11-13.
8 IV. CENG-HLO NYEI JAUV HNANGV NOR HAAIX NOR HAIH HOIC ZUQC MBUO LAANH-LAANH MIENH? (HOW DOES PRIDE AFFECT THE INDIVIDUAL?) 1. Bun mbuo zuqc nduov – Gaa^laa^tie 6:3. It brings deception - Galatians 6:3. 2. Bun mbuo zuqc nyaiv – Cong-Mengh Waac 11:2. It brings shame - Proverbs 11:2. 3. Bun mbuo zuqc ndortv njiec – Cong-Mengh Waac 29:23. It brings a man low - Proverbs 29:23.
9 V. WEIC HAAIX DIUC CENG-HLO NYEI JAUV BENX HIUANG-HIENV NYEI SIC? WHY IS PRIDE DANGEROUS? 1. Ninh haih bun mbuo ndortv jaa-dingh (Ndaa^ni^en 4:30, 34; 5:20). It brings material loss . . Nebuchadnezzar; Daniel 4:30,34; 5:20. 2. Ninh haih bun mbuo zuqc dingc zuiz (2 Zunh Doic Douh 26:16-19). It brings punishment…Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26:16-19). 3. Ninh bun Saadaan zuqc dingc zuiz (1 Ti^mo^tai 3:6). It leads to the condemnation of the Devil ( 1 Timothy 3:6).
10 VI. HNANGV HAAIX NOR HAIH ZORC CENG-HLO NYEI JAUV? HOW CAN PRIDE BE CURED? 1. Maiv dungx taaih ganh jiex ndaangc (Lomaa 12:3). By sober thinking (Romans 12:3). 2. Oix zuqc nyiemc ganh zoux faix (Yaagorpc 4:6; Fi^lipv^poi 2:3,5). By humility (James 4:6; Philippians 2:3,5). 3. Oix zuqc gamh nziez Tin-Hungh (Singx Nzung 111:10). By the fear of the Lord (Psalms 111:10).
11 SETV MUEIZ WAAC CONCLUSION: HAAIX ZANC DUQV ZORC LONGX CENG-HLO NYEI JAUV LIUZ HNANGV HAAIX NOR? (WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PRIDE IS CURED?) 1. Oix duqv ziangh Singx Lingh nyei biouv (Gaa^laa^tie 5:22-23). The fruit of the Spirit will come (Galatians 5:22,23). 2. Oix maaih hnyouv hnamv gorx-youz (E^fe^so 4:1-2). The love of the brethren will come (Ephesians 4:1-2). 3. Laanh oix njaaux laanh (2 Ti^mo^tai 2:25). The instruction of others will come (2 Timothy 2:25).
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