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Collision theory and Activation Energy

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1 Collision theory and Activation Energy



4 Temperature and Activation Energy

5  Temperature and  in Ea

6 Arrhenius Equation

7 Arrhenius Equation You may also come across it in a different form created by a mathematical operation on the standard one:                                                        "ln" is a form of logarithm. Don't worry about what it means. If you need to use this equation, just find the "ln" button on your calculator.

8 2N2O5 (g)→4NO2 (g) + O2 (g) k (s-1) T (°C) 20 30 40 50 60

9 Finding Ea T (°C) T (K) 1/T (K) k (s-1) ln(k) 20 293 0.003413 0.000020
-10.82 30 303 0.0033 -9.53 40 313 -8.22 50 323 -7.00 60 333 -5.84

10 Ea = activation energy R = 8
Ea = activation energy R = J/mol·K T = absolute temperature in Kelvins A = frequency factor

11 The Arrhenius equation is often written in the logarithmic form:
                                                                                                                                                                                            Bestimmung von Ea A plot of lnk versus 1/T produces a straight line with the familiar form y = -mx + b, where x = 1/T y = lnk m = - Ea/ R b = lnA The activation energy Ea can be determined from the slope m of this line: Ea = -m · R


13 Ea=-R(slope) Slope =Δln(k)/Δ(1/T) Ea=-(8.3145J/K*mol)(-12000K)
=100,000 J/mol

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