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2 The Theory of Consumer Choice
21 The Theory of Consumer Choice

3 The Consumer’s Budget Constraint

4 Figure 1 The Consumer’s Budget Constraint
Quantity of Pepsi 500 B Consumer’s budget constraint 100 A Quantity of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

5 Figure 1 The Consumer’s Budget Constraint
Quantity of Pepsi 500 B Consumer’s budget constraint 250 50 C 100 A Quantity of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

6 Figure 2 The Consumer’s Preferences
Quantity I2 Indifference curve, I1 of Pepsi C B D A Quantity of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

7 Figure 2 The Consumer’s Preferences
Quantity I2 Indifference curve, I1 of Pepsi C B D 1 MRS A Quantity of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

8 Figure 2 The Consumer’s Preferences
Quantity I2 Indifference curve, I1 of Pepsi C B D A Quantity of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

9 Figure 2 The Consumer’s Preferences
Quantity Indifference curve, I1 of Pepsi Quantity of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

10 Figure 3 The Impossibility of Intersecting Indifference Curves
Quantity of Pepsi C A B Quantity of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

11 Figure 4 Bowed Indifference Curves
Quantity of Pepsi Indifference curve 14 2 1 MRS = 6 8 3 A 4 6 3 7 B 1 MRS = 1 Quantity of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

12 Figure 5 Perfect Substitutes and Perfect Complements
(a) Perfect Substitutes 10p coins 15 I3 10 I2 5 I1 3 1 2 50p coins Copyright©2010 South-Western

13 Figure 5 Perfect Substitutes and Perfect Complements
(b) Perfect Complements Left Shoes I1 I2 7 5 Right Shoes Copyright©2010 South-Western

14 Figure 6 The Consumer’s Optimum
Quantity I3 of Pepsi I2 Budget constraint I1 Optimum B A Quantity of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

15 Figure 7 An Increase in Income
Quantity of Pepsi New budget constraint I2 1. An increase in income shifts the budget constraint outward . . . I1 New optimum and Pepsi consumption. Initial optimum Initial budget constraint Quantity raising pizza consumption . . . of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

16 Figure 8 An Inferior Good
Quantity of Pepsi New budget constraint I2 I1 1. When an increase in income shifts the budget constraint outward . . . but Pepsi consumption falls, making Pepsi an inferior good. Initial optimum New optimum Initial budget constraint Quantity pizza consumption rises, making pizza a normal good . . . of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

17 Figure 9 A Change in Price
Quantity of Pepsi New budget constraint 1,000 D I1 I2 New optimum 1. A fall in the price of Pepsi rotates the budget constraint outward . . . 500 B 100 A and raising Pepsi consumption. Initial optimum Initial budget constraint Quantity reducing pizza consumption . . . of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

18 Figure 10 Income and Substitution Effects
Quantity of Pepsi I2 I1 New budget constraint C New optimum Income effect Income effect B A Initial optimum Initial budget constraint Substitution effect Substitution effect Quantity of Pizza Copyright©2010 South-Western

19 Table 1 Income and Substitution Effects When the Price of Pepsi Falls
Copyright©2010 South-Western

20 Figure 11 Deriving the Demand Curve
(a) The Consumer s Optimum (b) The Demand Curve for Pepsi Quantity Price of of Pepsi Pepsi New budget constraint I2 Demand 750 B 250 $2 A I1 750 1 B 250 A Initial budget constraint Quantity Quantity of Pizza of Pepsi Copyright©2010 South-Western

21 Figure 12 A Giffen Good Quantity of Potatoes Initial budget constraint
Optimum with high price of potatoes I2 Optimum with low price of potatoes D E which increases potato consumption if potatoes are a Giffen good. 1. An increase in the price of potatoes rotates the budget constraint inward . . . C New budget constraint Quantity of Meat Copyright©2010 South-Western

22 Figure 13 The Work-Leisure Decision
Consumption I3 I2 € 5,000 100 I1 Optimum 2,000 60 Hours of Leisure Copyright©2010 South-Western

23 Figure 14 An Increase in the Wage
(a) For a person with these preferences . . . . . . the labor supply curve slopes upward. Consumption Wage Labor supply I2 I1 1. When the wage rises . . . BC1 BC2 Hours of Hours of Labor hours of leisure decrease . . . and hours of labor increase. Leisure Supplied Copyright©2010 South-Western

24 Figure 14 An Increase in the Wage
(b) For a person with these preferences . . . . . . the labor supply curve slopes backward. Consumption Wage Labor supply BC2 1. When the wage rises . . . I2 I1 BC1 Hours of Hours of Labor hours of leisure increase . . . and hours of labor decrease. Leisure Supplied Copyright©2010 South-Western

25 Figure 15 The Consumption-Saving Decision
Budget constraint when Old I3 € 110,000 100,000 I2 I1 55,000 € 50,000 Optimum Consumption when Young Copyright©2010 South-Western

26 Figure 16 An Increase in the Interest Rate
(a) Higher Interest Rate Raises Saving (b) Higher Interest Rate Lowers Saving Consumption Consumption when Old when Old BC2 BC2 1. A higher interest rate rotates the budget constraint outward . . . 1. A higher interest rate rotates the budget constraint outward . . . I2 I1 I1 I2 BC1 BC1 Consumption Consumption resulting in lower consumption when young and, thus, higher saving. resulting in higher consumption when young and, thus, lower saving. when Young when Young Copyright©2010 South-Western


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