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for sustainable urban mobility Contract Number: IEE/12/698/SI

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1 for sustainable urban mobility Contract Number: IEE/12/698/SI2.644741
EU-wide establishment of enduring national and European support networks for sustainable urban mobility Contract Number: IEE/12/698/SI Duration: May April 2016 Slides created 19 Sep 2013 1

2 Project Summary ENDURANCE will:
…establish 25 enduring national SUMP networks (enduring = EPOMM membership) …establish a European SUMP network with central coordination of training, trainers, audits, audit databases, city databases, quality labels …engage over 250 cities in sustainable urban mobility planning and implementation …raise awareness of SUMP and its benefits at national and European level institutions

3 Background ENDURANCE answers to the IEE-call:
to “assist cities and regions with developing SUMPs by facilitating networking, mutual learning and sharing of experience and best practise across countries”. and will provide: the buildup of 25 national networks a sophisticated cross-country, Europe-wide, training, workshop and policy exchange programme the expertise and infrastructure of EPOMM, of 3 city networks and of very experienced partners the promise of building up structures and networks that will endure well beyond the end date of the project guaranteed through EPOMMs existing structures 3

4 Expected impacts By 2016: 25 national networks on SUMP will be in place, with yearly meetings, workshops In 50% of these countries, national policies on SUMP will be in place 250 cities will be actively engaged in SUMP, achieving an average reduction of 1% point modal share in their cities Project phases supporting the work The complexity of the project requires a phasing, that ensures a good start and a good transfer into structures that must endure beyond the end of the project. There are three phases: Start-up Phase: M1 to M6 – the first six months This phase is the careful preparation of the core work – with inventories for most work packages, roadmaps for the national SUMP network development, city files and city activation plans, a communication plan and the preparation of the website. Main Phase: M7 to M30 – the middle 24 months This phase is the core of the work, in which most of the objectives should be attained. The networks will be built up, the integration processes with related projects and platforms will take place, cities will be activated to engage in SUMP, trainings, policy transfers and many other services will be rendered to the target groups. Continuity Phase: M31 to M36 – the final six months The final phase will not “just” produce the final reporting, but will ensure that national networks, audit networks, policy transfer processes, trainings, webtools etc. will endure well beyond the end of ENDURANCE. 4

5 Workpackages WP2 National Networks CDV WP3 City Activation Mobiel 21
Training & Networking Rupprecht Consult WP5 Policy Exchange ICLEI WP6 Monitoring & Evaluation ACT TravelWise WP7 Communication POLIS

6 Partners Coordinator: EPOMM EPOMM Member states (all in ENDURANCE)
ENDURANCE partner countries 3 city networks: ICLEI, POLIS, EUROCITIES

7 Partners

8 Contact ENDURANCE Coordination Ingrid Briesner
Working via FGM-AMOR for EPOMM Tel: +43/316/ Schönaugasse 8a 8010 Graz, Austria ENDURANCE website: Legal disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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