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The Deuterostome lineage

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Presentation on theme: "The Deuterostome lineage"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Deuterostome lineage
Echinodermata The Deuterostome lineage

2 Echinoderm attributes
Penta-radial symmetry Water-vascular system Nature of integument (spinosous) Coelomic space separate and distinct from vascular system Larval and adult stages occupy different habitats (metamorphosis)

3 Echinoderm classsification
Crinoidea--sea lillies Stelleroidea--star shaped Asteroidea-sea stars Ophiuroidea-brittle stars Echinoidea-regular irregular urchins Holothuroideasea cucumbers

4 Water-Vascular system
Components Tube feet Radial canals Circular canal Stone canal Madreporite Modified in other orders for different purposes

5 Coelomic space Respiration-dermobranchiae Skeleton Space reproduction

6 Nervous system Sub-epithelial nerve net Deep system

7 Patterns of development
Metamorphosis Dipleurula larva

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