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Semileptonic decay of D0  l and form factors

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1 Semileptonic decay of D0  l and form factors
for the measurement of |Vub| at KEKB Motivation, Method and preliminary results G.Leder, J.MacNaughton, F.Mandl and L.Widhalm Institute of High Energy Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences Nikolsdorfer Gasse 18, A-1050 Vienna, Austria, Europe (BELLE Collaboration) Abstract When using the semileptonic decay B  l for a determination of |Vub| a form factor fB(q2) is needed. A corresponding form factor fD(q2) is measured in D0  l, since fB(q2) / fD(q2) has a smaller theoretical error. The analysis is based on about 152 fb-1 of data collected by BELLE at the e+e- assymetric collider KEKB. To get a significant number of D0  l decays events of the type e+eD(*)D(*) + i / K, i=0-5 are selected. Using a special tagging about 100 exclusive D0  l decays are obtained. Preliminary distributions fD(q2) are presented as well for the decay channel above as for D0  Klnu (the latter with about tenfold statistics). The aim of l < 10% is shown to be within reach even with currently available data. Several inclusive decays of the D0 can also be studied in view of the considerable number of D0’s.

2 Measurement of Vub via the decay B  pln
one has to use a form factor fB(q2) an analogous form factor fD(q2) can be measured in the decay D  pln the ratio fB / fD is well known by numerical methods (lattice)

3 Method of Reconstruction
Additional primary Mesons 3.5 GeV e+ e- 8 GeV p K recoil D* D* recoil p p Mass- / Vertex Fit D „Inverse“ Fit D recoil e/µ p n K p p p

4 Method of Reconstruction
There are more tasks which can be tackled by the Method of Reconstruction semileptonic form factors f+D (q²) for D  pln, ambitious aim: error < 10% may be used to reduce systematic error on f+B (q²) for |Vub| measurement high resolution q² distribution for D  Kln cross sections for D*D*(n p/K/p) various channels: D*D*p, D*D*pp, D*D*KK, D*D*ppp, D*D*pppp, D*D*KKpp, ...., D*D*pp, …. inclusive D decays BR various channels, mostly poorly measured: D  f, K*, , K±, e±, ± anything Particle searches in D*, D*K, D*p, etc.

5 Channels used for Reconstruction
D*+D*-, D*0D*0 (plus additional primary mesons) mixed charged D*D* pairs ( i.e. D*0D*± ) D+, D- on tag side D*0  D0, D00 on tag side Current Statistics of D  mln , no bkg subtracted) reconstructed neutrino mass meson lepton K p e 380 80 440 60 all 820 140 REAL DATA Kln mn² / GeV² pln mn² / GeV² F.Mandl

6 Background Studies (work in progress) K/pln Analysis
Sources background for D  K/pln: non-D events with fake D hadronic D decays with fake lepton fake kaon/pion in decay reconstructed neutrino mass REAL DATA MC DATA D  pln D  Kln non-D bkg D  hadronic Branching Ratio l, Kl : compatible with PDG mn² / GeV²

7 K/pln Analysis pln Analysis: q² distribution all preliminary Kln pln
very good q² resolution (~0.01 GeV²) small variation of resolution with q² between and GeV² bin width limited by statistics to much larger values (0.100 (K) (p)) therefore no unfolding necessary MC DATA q² resolution REAL DATA raw q² distribution Kln q² / GeV² q²true -q²rec. / GeV² pln all preliminary q² / GeV²

8 K/pln Analysis pln Analysis: q² distribution all preliminary Kln pln
shapes of bkg derived from MC except for non-D bkg (from D* side-band data) bkg subtracted according to bkg measurement presented before efficiency correction slightly rising with q² for K, rather flat for p q² signal & background Kln REAL DATA D  pln non-D bkg MC DATA D  Kln form factor f+(q²) single-pole model arbitrary normalization REAL DATA D  hadronic pln Kln q² / GeV² all preliminary q² / GeV² next step will be extraction of form factor f+(q²) following BUTLER (Phys.Rev. D52, 2656), sf(q²) ~ spln (needs to be checked) our advantage: comparatively clean, high resolution sample pln q² / GeV²

9 Inclusive decay D0  K* (892) X
(not in PDG list) K-+ effective masses of combinations of charged particles from kinematically selected D0 via recoil, tagging only D*+D*-, D*+D*-0 and D*+D*-+- events D0  K-+ D0  K*(892)X Preliminary fit: 3 Gaussians 3rd order polynomial reflection of D0  K-+0 M(K+-)

10 Conclusion Plan statistics of ~100 D  pln (@152fb-1)
have already been reached aim of spln<10% within reach even with currently available data very good statistics (~28k) available for inclusive D decays Plan study systematics of form factor measurement further background studies

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