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Reactive Android Development

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Presentation on theme: "Reactive Android Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reactive Android Development
CS T & CS T Summer 2016 Encryption

2 Early Encryption Techniques
Caesar Cipher Pick an offset and add that to the letters of the text Say 4 A-> E B-> F Z -> D

3 Public Key Encryption KeyPair
One for encoding One for decoding Knowing the public key isn't* enough to compute the private key *assuming that one-way functions exist

4 Where to store you keys Losing your house keys is bad

5 Where to store you keys Losing your house keys is bad
Losing you private key might actually be worse!

6 Where to store your keys
Keystore Keeps your keys safe Even from yourself Purpose Encryption Decription KeyInfo.IsInsideSecurityHardware()

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