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Financial Aid Overview

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1 Financial Aid Overview
1. Introduce yourself: Hi.. My name is and I am a … at Cuesta. 2. Tell what you are going to do: I am here to give you a general introduction to financial aid. My presentation is 30 slides. It will probably take about 30-40? minutes. Then, I will be available for the rest of our time here to answer your questions. Sound good? 3. Do it: Okay, let’s get started…

2 Topics What is Financial Aid? Financial Aid Programs
Eligibility Requirements How to Apply Where Can I Get Help? Cuesta’s Institutional Aid Here is what we’ll cover in this presentation tonight!

3 Money!! to help pay for educational expenses while in college!
What is Financial Aid? Money!! to help pay for educational expenses while in college! Financial aid can help you pay for college expenses but it won’t necessarily cover all of your expenses.

4 Types of Aid Grants, Scholarships, Fee Waivers Work Study Loans
Elaborate: Money you don’t have to pay back! Money you earn by working an on-campus job or a job in community that you applied for and were offered. Money you must pay back with interest!

5 Financial Aid Programs
Federal: Ex: Pell Grant, Direct Loans, Work-Study State: Ex: Cal Grant, Middle Class Scholarship Institutional: Ex: Cuesta Promise Scholarship Private Scholarships The 3 main types of aid from previous slide typically exist inside one of these financial aid programs.

6 Federal Programs Pell Grant
$5920 for 6 full-time years possible Supplemental Equal Opportunity Grant (SEOG) $200-$4000; determined by institution High need Federal Work Study (FWS) Student works on-campus job or in community Amount differs by institution Direct Loans Up to $12,500/year PLUS Parent Loan Covers costs not covered by other financial aid Credit check required Federal Government is the largest source of Financial Aid. Aid is awarded primarily on the basis of financial need. You must complete the FAFSA to start the eligibility process.

7 State Programs Board of Governors Fee Waiver Cal Grants – 3 Types:
Waives tuition fees at California Community Colleges Cal Grants – 3 Types: “A” pays tuition & fees at four-year college “B” Allowance at 2-year Allowance & tuition and fees at 4-year “C” Allowance for vocational studies at 2-year Chafee Grant For foster youth in the Independent Living Program Requires additional application Middle Class Scholarship for UC & CSU Family income up to $150,000 can qualify

8 Institutional Funding
Specific to a given school Different types… Contact ahead to find out… What’s offered? Separate application? Deadlines? Examples at Cuesta: Cuesta Promise Scholarship & Cuesta Scholarships Can be scholarships, grants, fee waivers Often application period begins before you will attend… Example: Cuesta Promise Scholarship Application process typically begins in January and ends at beginning of August before school starts… Tip: Research opportunities early so you don’t miss out!

9 Private Scholarships Individual Applications
Awards based on merit, academics, or unique characteristic Various Donors Foundations, high schools, businesses, charitable organizations, employers, unions Deadlines Vary Where do you search for private scholarship opportunities? Ask organizations in your community Search online using search engine such as “” Look on college website for listing of private scholarship opportunities.

10 Eligibility Requirements
Federal Aid State Aid Institutional Aid Scholarships

11 Federal Aid Eligibility Requirements
U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen Selective Service High School Completion Eligible Program Satisfactory Academic Progress Enrollment Level Financial Need Elaborate: US Citizen or Permanent Resident (i.e. Green Card); both of these categories would have a valid SSN (not DACA or Work Auth SSN) Males are required to have registered with selective service Must have high school diploma or equivalent such as GED Major you select must be eligible for financial aid. At Cuesta, all Associates’ Programs and many Certificate of Achievement Programs are eligible. At a University likely all Bachelor’s programs are eligible. So what’s an example of a program that isn’t eligible? At Cuesta, Certificates of Specialization are typically not eligible. It’s likely because they only require 1-3 classes to complete. When you receive financial aid, you are required to make progress towards your goal. If you pass your classes with Cs or better and don’t withdrawal, then you are “making progress.” Financial aid pays out according to your enrollment level Federal Grant, Work-Study, and Subsidized Loan eligibility is based on “financial need” as determined by the FAFSA application.

12 State Aid Eligibility Requirements
U.S. Citizen, Eligible Non-Citizen, or “AB540/AB2000” Residency! Selective Service High School Completion Eligible Program Satisfactory Academic Progress Enrollment Level Financial Need Eligibility requirements are the same as the previous slide with 2 additions: AB540 status students are eligible even if they are not a US Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen – I will explain what Ab540 means on the next slide! In California, students must be California residents to be eligible for state aid. Usually the institution’s admissions office determines residency through their admissions application.

13 Allows a “Non-Resident” Student to…
AB540/AB2000 Allows a “Non-Resident” Student to… Be exempt from “non-resident” tuition at CSUs, UCs, & Calif. Community Colleges Receive state grant opportunities The purpose of AB540 was to enable children of migrant workers who attend and graduate from California schools but may not have current California residency (due to parents’ migratory patterns to get work) to still be able to receive state financial aid at some California institutions.

14 AB540/AB Definition Attended a California high school for 3 or more years or… Earned credits in California from a California high school equivalent to 3 or more years of full-time coursework and a total of 3 or more years of attendance in California elementary or secondary schools or a combination of those schools and… Graduation from a California high school or attainment of the equivalent thereof Here’s how you qualify for AB540 status.

15 Institutional Aid & Scholarships! Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility Requirements Vary… Search Institution’s Website or Scholarship Application for List of Requirements!

16 How To Apply! Admissions Application to College/University!
FAFSA or Cal Dream Act Application online! Follow-up with Financial Aid Office… Usually FA office notifies you upon receiving your application Additional Information Needed? (i.e. verification?) FA office confirms eligibility and awards you! You need to apply to the college or university you wish to attend in order for them to receive your financial aid application. The FAFSA and Dream Applications are usually just the first step! It usually takes about a week to receive your FAFSA or Dream application. At Cuesta, we you when we receive your application. The contains important information and directions for what you need to do next to complete the process of applying for financial aid. Once you complete your part, the financial aid office at the college or university completes their part to confirm your eligibility and award you.

17 FAFSA or Cal DREAM Act? FAFSA is for…
US Citizens & Eligible Non-Citizens Cal DREAM Act is for… AB540/AB2000 Status Students or… “Undocumented” California Residents Which application should you complete? Remember… FAFSA accesses both Federal & State Aid for US Citizens and Eligible Non-Citizens DREAM accesses State Aid for AB540 Status Students & Undocumented California Residents

18 This is a FREE application!

19 This is a FREE application!

20 Important Application Elements
Avoid Delays by paying Attention to What You’re Reporting… Name as it is on Social Security Card Security Number Birthdate Marital Status Income Information Income Taxes Paid Household Size Number in College Asset Information Signature 1-3. For FAFSA filers, your name, social security number, and birthdate are sent to the social security administration for confirmation. Be sure you report your first name and last name as stated on your social security card. Be careful if you have more than one last name. Determine what your last name is according to the social security administration, not according to what you commonly use. Report your last name as it is reported at the social security administration. Errors in name, SSN, or DOB can be corrected but they do cause delays in the processing of your application! For the parent you are using on your fafsa, what is their marital status? For example, is your mom remarried? Then her status is “married” even though she is not married to your father. 5-8. Be accurate in the information you in order to receive a reliable estimate of your eligibility! Click in each field on the fafsa to read the notes which guide you on how to answer the question or tell you exactly what lines on your tax forms to report. 9. Asset information is not always required to report initially but it’s a good idea to include it up front so you won’t experience delays in processing in case it is asked for later. 10. Be sure you and your parent sign your application!

21 When To Apply… FAFSA & Cal DREAM Act available Oct – June ! Cal Grant Annual Deadline: March 2! Apply Early! Check for Institutional Deadlines! To be considered for Cal Grant, you must submit your application (and GPA verification) by March 2nd! To be considered for Pell Grant and Board of Governor’s Waiver (in California only), you submit your application anytime during the available period. Apply early in order to have your financial aid awards finalized prior to starting school. Not having the money you need ready for you can be stressful and contribute to not be as successful as you could be in your classes! Institutions may have their own deadlines for financial aid. Be sure to check their websites to find out information specific to that school.

22 Where Can I Get Help? 4-7 p.m. Bldg. 3400 Cash for College Workshop!
Oct. 13, 2016 Cuesta’s SLO Campus 4-7 p.m. Bldg. 3400 Get Help with… FAFSA, Cal Dream Act, & Cuesta Scholarship Applications

23 Other Resources College/University Websites – Financial Aid Homepage!
College/University Financial Aid Offices Government Websites: College Navigator: College Scorecard Shopping Sheet: Available through most schools’ student portal Net Price Calculator Available through most schools’ websites If time allows, show and tell on the internet. © 2014 CASFAA

24 Cuesta’s Institutional Aid
Promise Scholarship & Cuesta Scholarships Now, I want to take a minute to tell you about Cuesta’s Institutional Aid. Remember… Institutional Aid is aid offered at a specific institution only. Cuesta has 2 types of Institutional Aid… © 2014 CASFAA

25 Promise Scholarship Who Qualifies? What Does It Do?
All New SLO County High School Graduates What Does It Do? Tuition and fees paid for fall & spring Deadline: August 1st, 2017 Elaborate: Guaranteed to all new SLO County high school graduates who complete ALL Cuesta Promise steps regardless of income or GPA. Deadline is for the academic year © 2014 CASFAA

26 Promise Scholarship Steps To Apply… Deadline: Aug. 1, 2017
Admissions Application Cuesta Scholarship Application* FAFSA or Cal Dream Act Application* Assessment Online Orientation Register! *Students who complete these two steps by March 2 will also be considered for over 150 additional scholarships awarded in the Cuesta College Scholarship Program! Complete ALL of these steps to successfully apply for Cuesta Promise Scholarship. These steps will be listed on homepage in late fall for applying for Cuesta Promise for the following fall. © 2014 CASFAA

27 $$ Awarded to Help with Educational Expenses!
Cuesta Scholarships Who Can Apply? Any Cuesta Student! Often Requirements… Enrollment GPA What Does It Do? $$ Awarded to Help with Educational Expenses! Deadline: March 2, 2017! Over 150 scholarships are part of 1 application! Often Requirements…most Cuesta Scholarships have enrollment and GPA requirements but not all of them do… so we encourage everyone to apply. Example of Requirements: must be enrolled in 6 units; must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. © 2014 CASFAA

28 Cuesta Scholarships Steps To Apply… Deadline: March 2, 2017
Admissions Application Cuesta Scholarship Application FAFSA or Cal Dream Act Application Deadline: March 2, 2017 Note: Must complete Admissions Application ahead of Scholarship Application because you need to be accepted as a student at Cuesta (to get student portal log on info) before you can log on to scholarship application. Don’t wait until the last minute! © 2014 CASFAA

29 Conclusion What is Financial Aid? Financial Aid Programs
Eligibility Requirements How to Apply Where Can I Get Help? Cuesta’s Institutional Aid Here is what I covered in this presentation tonight! If you have questions, please ask! I am available to stay until…..?

30 QUESTIONS? If you have general questions that may benefit the group, please feel free to ask me now. Otherwise, I am available to answer any specific questions you have individually.

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