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Advanced Database System

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2 Advanced Database System
8.1 Introduction The algebra provides a set of explicit operators that can be used to tell the system how to construct some desired relation from certain given relations. The calculus merely provides a notation for stating the definition of that desired relation in terms of those given relations. The query “Get supplier numbers and cities for suppliers who supply part P2” Algebra: 1. join supplier and shipment over S#. 2. restrict the result of that join to tuples for part P2. 3. project the result of that restriction over S# and City. Calculus: Get S# and City for suppliers such that there exists a shipment Sp with the same S# value and with P# value P2. Advanced Database System

3 Advanced Database System
8.1 Introduction (Cont.) prescriptive (Algebra) vs. descriptive (Calculus) procedural (Algebra) vs. nonprocedural (Calculus) The algebra and the calculus are logically equivalent. Relation calculus is based on a branch of mathematical logic called predicate calculus. Tuple calculus: range variables over relations Language called QUEL Range of Sx Is S; Retrieve (Sx.S#) Where Sx.City=“London”; Domain calculus: range variables over domains Language called Query-By-Example (QBE) Advanced Database System

4 Advanced Database System
8.2 Tuple Calculus Syntax (See Page ) <relation exp> ::= Relation {<tuple exp commalist>} | <relvar name> | <relation op inv> | <with exp> | <introduced name> | (<relation exp>) <range var def> ::= Rangevar <range var name> Ranges Over <relation exp commalist>; <range attribute ref> ::= <range var name> . <attribute name> [ As <attribute name> ] Advanced Database System

5 Advanced Database System
8.2 Tuple Calculus (Cont.) <bool exp> ::= …all the usual possibilities, together with: | <quantified bool exp> <quantified bool exp> ::= <quantifier> <range var name> ( <bool exp> ) <quantifier> ::= Exists | Forall <relation op inv> ::= <proto tuple> [ Where <bool exp> ] <proto tuple> ::= …see the body of the text Advanced Database System

6 Advanced Database System
8.2 Tuple Calculus (Cont.) Range variables e.g. Rangevar Sx Ranges Over S; Rangevar Spx Ranges Over Sp; Rangevar Su Ranges Over ( Sx Where Sx.City = ‘London’ ), ( Sx Where Exists Spx ( Spx.S# = Sx.S# And Spx.P# = P#(‘P1’) ) ); Advanced Database System

7 Advanced Database System
8.2 Tuple Calculus (Cont.) Free and bound variable references Let V be a range variable References to V in Not p ⇒ according as they are free or bound in p References to V in p And q and p Or q ⇒ according as they are free or bound in p or q References to V that are free in p are bound in Exists V (p) and Forall V (p) Advanced Database System

8 Advanced Database System
8.2 Tuple Calculus (Cont.) Examples Sx.S#=S#(‘S1’) Sx.S#=Spx.S# Spx.P#≠Px.P# ⇒ Sx, Px, and Spx are free Px.Weight < Weight(15.5) And Px.City=’Oslo’ Not (Sx.City=‘London’) Sx.S#=Spx.S# And Spx.P#≠Px.P# Px.Color=Color(‘Red’) Or Px.City=‘London’ Exists Spx (Spx.S#=Sx.S# And Spx.P#=P#(‘P2’)) Forall Px (Px.Color=Color(‘Red’)) ⇒ Spx and Px are bound and Sx is free. Advanced Database System

9 Advanced Database System
8.2 Tuple Calculus (Cont.) Quantifiers Exists V ( p (V) ) ⇒ False Or p(t1) Or ... Or p(tm) Forall V ( p(V) ) ⇒ True And p(t1) And ... And p(tm) Free and bound variable references revisited Exists x ( x > 3 ) ⇔ Exists y ( y > 3 ) Exists x ( x > 3 ) and x < 0 ⇔ Exists y ( y > 3 ) and x < 0 Exists y ( y > 3 ) and y < 0 Advanced Database System

10 Advanced Database System
8.3 Examples Exam 1: {Sx.S#, Sx.Status} Where Sx.City=‘Paris’ And Sx.Status > 20 Exam 2: {Sx.S# As Sa, Sy.S# As Sb} Where Sx.City=Sy.City And Sx.S# < Sy.S# Exam 3: Sx Where Exists Spx (Spx.S#=Sx.S# And Spx.P#=P#(‘P2’)) Exam 4: Sx.Sname Where Exists Spx (Sx.S#=Spx.S# And Exists Px (Px.P#=Spx.P# And Px.Color=Color(‘Red’))) Exam 5: Sx.Sname Where Exists Spx ( Exists Spy (Sx.S#=Spx.S# And (Spx.P#=Spy.P# And Spy.S#=S#(‘S2’))) Advanced Database System

11 Advanced Database System
8.3 Examples (Cont.) Exam 6: Sx.Sname Where Forall Px ( Exists Spx (Spx.S#=Sx.S# And Spx.P#=Px.P#)) Exam 7: Sx.Sname Where Not Exists Spx (Spx.S#=Sx.S# And Spx.P#=P#(‘P2’)) Exam 8: Sx.S# Where Forall Spx (Spx.S#≠S#(‘S2’) Or Exists Spy (Spy.S#=Sx.S# And Spy.P#=Spx.P#)) If p Then q End If ⇔ (Not p) Or q Exam 9: Rangevar Pu Ranges Over (Px.P# Where Px.Weight > Weight(16.0)), (Spx.P# Where Spx.S#=S#(‘S2’)); Pu.P# Advanced Database System

12 Advanced Database System
8.4 Calculus vs. Algebra The algebra is at least as powerful as the calculus. Codd‘s reduction algorithm: by which an arbitrary expression of the calculus could be reduced to a semantically equivalent expression of the algebra. Example Query: Get names and cities for suppliers who supply at least one Athens project with at least 50 of every part. A calculus expression: {Sx.Sname, Sx.City} Where Exists Jx Forall Px Exists Spjx (Jx.City=‘Athens’ And Jx.J#=Spjx.J# And Px.P#=Spjx.P# And Sx.S#=Spjx.S# And Spjx.Qty≧Qty ( 50 ) ) Advanced Database System

13 8.4 Calculus vs. Algebra (Cont.)
(See Page & Fig. 8.1) Step 1: Advanced Database System

14 8.4 Calculus vs. Algebra (Cont.)
Step 2: Cartesian product 5*6*2*24 =1440 tuples Step 3: Restriction Jx.J#=Spjx.J# And Px.P#=Spjx.P# And Sx.S#=Spjx.S# Advanced Database System

15 8.4 Calculus vs. Algebra (Cont.)
Step 4: Apply the quantifiers from right to left Exists V ⇒ project the current intermediate result to eliminate all attributes of relation r. Forall V ⇒ divide the current intermediate result by the “restricted range” relation associated with V. Step 5: Projection Advanced Database System

16 8.4 Calculus vs. Algebra (Cont.)
Why Codd defined precisely the eight algebraic operators? 1. Inherently implementable 2. A yardstick for measuring the expressive power of any given database language A language is said to be relationally complete if it is at least as powerful as the calculus. Any given language L is complete, if it is sufficient to show that L includes analogs of each of the eight algebraic operators. e.g. SQL Relational completeness does not necessarily imply any other kind of completeness. Advanced Database System

17 8.5 Computational Capabilities
Exam 1: {Px.P#, Px.Weight*454 As Gmwt} Where Px.Weight*454 > Weight( ) Exam 2: {Sx, ‘Supplier’ As Tag} Exam 3: {Spx, Px.Weight*Spx.Qty As Shipwt} Where Px.P#=Spx.P# Exam 4: {Px.P#, Sum(Spx Where Spx.P#=Px.P#, Qty) As Totqty} Exam 5: Sum(Spx, Qty) As Grandtotal Exam 6: {Sx.S#, Count(Spx Where Spx.S#=Sx.S#) As #_Of_Part} Exam 7: Rangevar Py Ranges Over P; Px.City Where Count (Py Where Py.City=Px.City And Py.Color=(‘Red’)) > 5 Advanced Database System

18 Advanced Database System
8.6 SQL Facilities Exam 1: Select Px.Color, Px.City From P As Px Where Px.City <> ‘Paris’ And Px.Weight > Weight (10.0); Exam 2: Select P.P#, P.Weight*454 As Gmwt From P; Exam 3: 1. Select S.*, P.P#, P.Pname, P.Color, P.Weight From S, P Where S.City=P.City; 2. S Join P Using City; 3. S Natural Join P; Exam 4: Select Distinct S.City As Scity, P.City As Pcity From S Join SP Using S# Join P Using P#; Exam5: Select A.S# As Sa, B.S# As Sb From S As A, S As B Where A.City=B.City And A.S# < B.S#; Advanced Database System

19 Advanced Database System
8.6 SQL Facilities (Cont.) Exam 6: Select Count(*) As N From S; Exam 7: Select Max(Sp.Qty) As Maxq, Min(Sp.Qty) As Minq From Sp Where Sp.P#=P#(‘P2’); Exam 8: Select Sp.P#, Sum(Sp.Qty) As Totqty Group By Sp.P#; Exam 9: Select Sp.P# Group By Sp.P# Having Count(Sp.S#) > 1; Exam 10: Select Distinct S.Sname From S Where S.S# In (Select Sp.S# Where Sp.P#=P#(‘P2’)); Advanced Database System

20 Advanced Database System
8.6 SQL Facilities (Cont.) Exam 11: Select Distinct S.Sname From S Where S.S# In (Select Sp.S# From Sp Where Sp.P# In (Select P.P# From P Where P.Color=Color(‘Red’))); Exam 12: Select S.S# Where S.Status < (Select Max(S.Status) From S); Exam 13: Select Distinct S.Sname From S Where Exists (Select * From Sp Where Sp.S#=S.S# And Sp.P#=P#(‘P2’)); Advanced Database System

21 Advanced Database System
8.6 SQL Facilities (Cont.) Exam 14: Select Distinct S.Sname From S Where Not Exists (Select * From Sp Where Sp.S#=S.S# And Sp.P#=P#(‘P2’)); Exam 15: Select Distinct S.Sname From P And Sp.P#=P.P#)); Exam 16: Select P.P# From P Where P.Weight > P#(16.0) Union Select Sp.P# From Sp Where Sp.S#=S#(‘S2’) Exam 17: With T1 As (Select P.P#, P.Weight*454 As Gmwt From P) Select T1.P#, T1.Gmwt From T1 Where T1.Gmwt > Weight( ); Advanced Database System

22 Advanced Database System
8.7 Domain Calculus The most immediately obvious difference between the domain and the tuple calculus is that the former supports an additional form of <bool exp> called a membership condition. R { <pair commalist> } e.g. Sx Sx Where S {S# Sx} Sx Where S {S# Sx, City ‘London’} {Sx, Cityx} Where S {S# Sx, City Cityx} And Sp {S# Sx, P# P#(‘P2’)} {Sx, Px} Where S {S# Sx, City Cityx} And P {P# Px, City Cityy} And Cityx≠Cityy Advanced Database System

23 8.7 Domain Calculus (Cont.)
Exam 1: Sx Where Exists Statusx (Statusx > 20 And S {S# Sx, Status Statusx, City ‘Paris’}) Exam 2: {Sx As Sa, Sy As Sb} Where Exists Cityz (S {S# Sx, City Cityz} And S {S# Sy, City Cityz} And Sx < Sy) Exam 3: Namex Where Exists Sx Exists Px (S {S# Sx, Sname Namex} And Sp {S# Sx, P# Px} And P {P# Px, Color Color(‘Red’)}) Exam 4: Namex Where Exists Sx Exists Px Sp {S# S#(‘S2’), P# Px}) Advanced Database System

24 8.7 Domain Calculus (Cont.)
Exam 5: Namex Where Exists Sx (S {S# Sx, Sname Namex} And Forall Px (If P {P# Px} Then Sp {S# Sx, P# Px} End If)) Exam 6: Namex Where Exists Sx (S {S# Sx, Sname Namex} And Not Sp {S# Sx, P# P#(‘P2’)}) Exam 7: Sx Where Forall Px (If Sp {S# S#(‘S2’), P# Px} End If) Exam 8: Px Where Exists Weightx (P {P# Px, Weight Weightx} And Weightx > Weight(16.0)) Or Sp {S# S#(‘S2’), P# Px} Advanced Database System

25 Advanced Database System
8.8 Query-By-Example Exam 1: Exam 2: Exam 3: Exam 4: S S# Sname Status City P. > 20 Paris SP S# P# Qty UNQ. P. S S# Status City P.AO(2). P.DO(1). Paris S S# Status City P. Paris > 20 Advanced Database System

26 8.8 Query-By-Example (Cont.)
Weight P. >= 16.0 <= 19.0 P P# Weight Gmwt P. _PW P. _PW * 454 S S# Sname _SX P. SP S# P# _SX P2 S S# City _SX _CX P P# City _PX _CX P. _SX _PX Advanced Database System

27 8.8 Query-By-Example (Cont.)
S S# City _SX _CZ _SY P. _SX _SY SP S# P# Qty P2 _QX P.SUM._QX SP S# P# Qty G.P. _QY P.SUM._QY SP S# P# _SX G.P. Conditions CNT._SX > 1 Advanced Database System

28 8.8 Query-By-Example (Cont.)
Weight _PX > 16.0 SP S# P# S2 _PY P. _PX _PY P P# Pname Color Weight City I. P7 24.0 Athens SP S# P# Qty D. > 300 P P# Pname Color Weight City P2 U.Yellow _WT U._WT+5 U.Oslo Advanced Database System

29 8.8 Query-By-Example (Cont.)
SP S# Qty _SX U.5 S S# City _SX London Advanced Database System

30 Advanced Database System
The End. Advanced Database System

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