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EXAM ADVICE TASK: Write down 2 key pieces of advice for students completing a Psychology exam paper.

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Presentation on theme: "EXAM ADVICE TASK: Write down 2 key pieces of advice for students completing a Psychology exam paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXAM ADVICE TASK: Write down 2 key pieces of advice for students completing a Psychology exam paper

2 EXAM ADVICE Stay calm! Deep breaths, positive coping self statements help reduce feelings of stress e.g. “I can do this!” “I can get through this” “I’m in control” “Keep calm and carry on” “Worrying won’t help” “What is it that I have to do?” Read questions carefully – underline/highlight/circle key words AO1 description only? AO3 evaluation only? Both? Application? Calculations? Describe how one study has investigated…….. Or Describe what research has shown? – findings conclusions only Discuss – in an essay question means outline and evaluate ….. Discuss one criticism of Milgram’s research – means argue for and against Look at number of marks Develop answer to fit Have you used all the ‘normal’ space given? If not, probably haven’t written enough! Answer ALL questions!!!!

3 EXAM ADVICE Application Question Have you applied thoroughly?
Throughout your answer? Given examples/quotes from the scenario? Find the 12 mark question (s) and any other extended writing questions (e.g. 8 marks/10 marks) Then go back and start the paper from the start This will allow your brain to start planning it for you! Develop evaluation fully – identify your point, justify with evidence, elaborate what this means for the theory/research Use technical terms from Psychology Check the back page for questions - Make sure you have read the phrase END OF QUESTIONS! Timing – mark per minute approximately

4 EQUIPMENT Smartcard Several black ink pens
Pencil and ruler – for drawing graphs and tables CALCULATOR (no cover) Clear pencil case General tips You can ask for extra paper You may want to PLAN answers before you write Writing down key words FIRST e.g. next to the question, will help FOCUS your mind and avoid muddled first sentences READ THROUGH – check for silly errors e.g. missing out a word/writing wrong term

5 ABOVE ALL….. Stay positive, you’ve worked hard, you’ve practised loads of questions, and no matter what happens, you WILL be fine!

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