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FAERS death cases (all years) for NOACs versus warfarin.

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1 FAERS death cases (all years) for NOACs versus warfarin.
FAERS death cases (all years) for NOACs versus warfarin. Warfarin is arbitrated at PRR=1.00 and co-report death 1.33 times more frequently than with apixaban/death, co-report death 1.29 times more frequently than with rivaroxaban/death, co-report death 1.80 times more frequently than with edoxaban/death, but co-report death 0.84 times less frequently than dabigatran/death. FAERS, Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System; NOACs, non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants. Victor Serebruany et al. Open Heart 2017;4:e000629 ©2017 by British Cardiovascular Society

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