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UMKC Foundation Update

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1 UMKC Foundation Update
March 1, 2016

2 Mission & Vision Mission – Foster a culture that inspires philanthropy to achieve university priorities. Vision – To be the valued and trusted partner that inspires, enlists and unites philanthropic support for Kansas City’s premier urban university.

3 Our Promise Unite Donors and Dreams – We employ best practices in donor-centered fundraising, uniting the goals of the university with the dreams of our donors. We respect donor wishes, adhere to philanthropic intent, and administer gifts ethically. We view working with donors as a privilege. As such, we are committed to treating them and their philanthropy with respect, fairness, professionalism, and gratitude. Operate with Integrity – We adhere to high moral principles and professional standards demonstrated through our honesty and authenticity. We foster collaboration through clear, transparent communication with donors, faculty, staff, students, and community partners. Value our Team – We recognize the quality of our staff as critical to our success. We attract and develop the best talent, value individual contributions, support team members’ aspirations, and celebrate diversity as a strength. We possess a strong work ethic and foster collaboration among all staff and partners. Deliver Excellence – We provide the highest levels of service and stewardship to our constituents. We invest funds to insure long-term financial support to the university. We manage our resources prudently and accept responsibility for our actions and results.

4 How the UMKC Foundation supports Faculty
Raise money for the institutional priorities Manage endowments for the benefit of UMKC

5 How Faculty can support the UMKC Foundation
1) Create a compelling vision 2) Work with Dean and school leadership in the priority-setting process 3) Articulate the case for support 4) Collaborate with professional development staff 5) Identify and facilitate partnerships with alumni, corporate partners and benefactors 6) Maintain relationships for the long term 7) Thank and recognize donors

6 Key Goals of the UMKC Foundation Business Plan
# 1 - Providing UMKC benefactors the best philanthropic experience; # 2 - Increasing alumni giving participation to 15%; # 3 – Move toward self-sustainability; # 4 - Increasing planned giving expectancies by 25%; # 5 - Being recognized as an employer of choice to top area fundraising professionals;

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