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A Better Solution For Cancer Patients With VTE?

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Presentation on theme: "A Better Solution For Cancer Patients With VTE?"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Better Solution For Cancer Patients With VTE?


3 Program Goals

4 Cancer and VTE - Epidemiology

5 Warfarin in Managing Cancer-Associated VTE

6 CLOT - A Landmark Study for Treatment of Cancer-Associated Thrombosis

7 LMWH vs VKA in Patients With Cancer: Efficacy (Recurrent VTE) and Safety (Major Bleeding)

8 Guideline Recommendations Treatment and Secondary Prophylaxis of Cancer-Associated VTE

9 Subgroup Analysis of Patients With Active Cancer: Efficacy and Safety of NOACs vs VKA

10 US Prescription Patterns for Cancer-Associated VTE

11 LMWH vs VKAs

12 Hokusai VTE Cancer − Study Design

13 Hokusai VTE Cancer: Clinical Outcomes

14 Hokusai VTE-Cancer: Types of Major Bleeds Contributing to Primary Outcome

15 Clinical Implications of Hokusai VTE Cancer

16 Adherence to VTE therapy

17 On-Treatment Analysis in Hokusai VTE Cancer

18 Hokusai VTE Cancer: Cumulative Event Rate for Primary Endpoint

19 Issue of Bleeding in Hokusai VTE Cancer

20 Select-D Pilot Trial

21 Summary

22 Abbreviations

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