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Regional Conference EU for Climate Action & Sustainable Energy in the Neighbourhood South Brussels, 20th March 2018 Climate Adaptation Andrea di Vecchia.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Conference EU for Climate Action & Sustainable Energy in the Neighbourhood South Brussels, 20th March 2018 Climate Adaptation Andrea di Vecchia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Conference EU for Climate Action & Sustainable Energy in the Neighbourhood South
Brussels, 20th March 2018 Climate Adaptation Andrea di Vecchia

2 Climate change and Adaptation : a paradigm to revise
Adaptation requires a revised conceptual framework for action to face scenarios characterized by multiple issues: Climate change is a global driver with a local impact Vulnerability is not distributed equally Climate change and Climate variability perception Uncertainty undermine knowledge and jeopardize action Sinergy between global drivers could put at risk national security Adaptation strategies versus financial and human resources Short terms versus long terms strategies

3 Adaptation in ClimaSouth
Strengthening of institutional capacity for climate information, vulnerability assessment, adaptation strategies: Lebanon LARI Early warning system Jordan Food-Water-Energy, an agriculture nexus Tunisia Food-Water-Energy, an agriculture nexus Palestinian Economic impact of climate change Algeria Forest fire prevention Algeria and Palestine Coastal impact assessment Egypt Center of Excellence for Climate change

4 National priorities from INDC reports
Water Agriculture Forestry Coast Ecosystems Health Transport Tourism Energy Algeria ++++ Egypt Israel Jordan Lebanon Morocco Palestine Tunisia Regional 8/8 3/8 4/8 1/8

5 Water Agriculture &Ecosystems
ClimaSouth countries have all selected for adaptation: Water and Agriculture key sectors for national security Ecosystems to prepare communities to long terms resilience The rationale: Countries are vulnerable to climate change > food production decreases and is volatile > people migrate from more vulnerable areas > increasing gap between food demand and availability > vulnerability to food price volatility > social instability > national security > vulnerability to climate change increase No ClimaSouth country alone would be able to reverse the cycle


7 Regional approach A strategy to secure the region, thus securing the countries : Cooperation for a regional strategy rather than (separate) nationals ones Science and technology to redesign traditional knowledge A northern Sahara green belt to defend food productive border communities Mobilize vulnerable communities to allow people to stay and not to migrate Invert the scope: urban to support rural ecosystems More food for less water and less energy through innovation A long terms alliance between northern and southern shores


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