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Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro Professor

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1 Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro Professor Part of the Department of Adaptive Machine Systems (知能・機能創成工学専攻) at Osaka University, Japan Best paper award at the 2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2007) March 2007 Best poster award at the same conference Best Humanoid Award (Kid size) at RoboCup 2006 (Bremen, Germany) Speech Title: Understanding humans by building androids Time :16:00~17:30 pm, October 21, 2010 Location:Room 306, College of Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. Sponsored by Taichung Chapter, IEEE SMC Society. Cosponsored by IEEE SMC Student Branch at NCHU.

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