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Steven Habbous, Jennifer Arnold, Mehmet A

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1 Duration of Living Kidney Transplant Donor Evaluations: Findings From 2 Multicenter Cohort Studies 
Steven Habbous, Jennifer Arnold, Mehmet A. Begen, Neil Boudville, Matthew Cooper, Christine Dipchand, Stephanie N. Dixon, Liane S. Feldman, Dariusz Goździk, Martin Karpinski, Scott Klarenbach, Greg A. Knoll, Ngan N. Lam, Krista L. Lentine, Charmaine Lok, Eric McArthur, Susan McKenzie, Matthew Miller, Mauricio Monroy-Cuadros, Chris Nguan, G.V. Ramesh Prasad, Sebastian Przech, Sisira Sarma, Dorry L. Segev, Leroy Storsley, Amit X. Garg Chris Nguan, Mauricio Monroy-Cuadros, Scott Klarenbach, Ngan N. Lam, Leroy Storsley, Martin Karpinski, Amit X. Garg, Darin Treleavan, Matthew Miller, Joseph Kim, Charmine Lok, G.V. Ramesh Prasad, Greg Knoll, Ann Bugeja, Liane S. Feldman, Christine Dipchand, Neil Boudville, Ann Young, Jennifer Arnold, Dariusz Goździk, Jessica Sontrop Steven Habbous, Jennifer Arnold, Mehmet A. Begen, Neil Boudville, Matthew Cooper, Christine Dipchand, Stephanie N. Dixon, Liane S. Feldman, Dariusz Goździk, Martin Karpinski, Scott Klarenbach, Greg A. Knoll, Ngan N. Lam, Krista L. Lentine, Charmaine Lok, Eric McArthur, Susan McKenzie, Matthew Miller, Mauricio Monroy-Cuadros, Chris Nguan, G.V. Ramesh Prasad, Sebastian Przech, Sisira Sarma, Dorry L. Segev, Leroy Storsley, Amit X. Garg Chris Nguan, Mauricio Monroy-Cuadros, Scott Klarenbach, Ngan N. Lam, Leroy Storsley, Martin Karpinski, Amit X. Garg, Darin Treleavan, Matthew Miller, Joseph Kim, Charmine Lok, G.V. Ramesh Prasad, Greg Knoll, Ann Bugeja, Liane S. Feldman, Christine Dipchand, Neil Boudville, Ann Young, Jennifer Arnold, Dariusz Goździk, Jessica Sontrop  American Journal of Kidney Diseases  Volume 72, Issue 4, Pages (October 2018) DOI: /j.ajkd Copyright © 2018 The Authors Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Box plots show the distribution of evaluation times stratified by transplantation center. (A) Total evaluation time defined as the time the donor completed the evaluation, from first contact until donation surgery; (B) total approval time was calculated as time from first contact until the donor was approved to donate; (C) time to donor surgery after approval was calculated as the difference in total evaluation time and total approval time; (D) time from computed tomography (CT) until donation; and (E) time between consults defined as the period between the first and last nephrology, urology, and psychosocial consults (restricted to donors with all 3 consults). Vertical axis was truncated for readability. Box represents interquartile range (IQR; 25th to 75th percentile). Horizontal line indicates median (50th percentile). Circle represents mean. Vertical lines represent the upper fence (75th percentile plus 1.5 × IQR) and lower fence (25th percentile minus 1.5 × IQR). Five Australian centers were combined and presented as a single center for this analysis. American Journal of Kidney Diseases  , DOI: ( /j.ajkd ) Copyright © 2018 The Authors Terms and Conditions

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