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Vocabulary Week 3.

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1 Vocabulary Week 3

2 Heresy Noun The crime of holding a belief that goes against established doctrine The church kicked him out because they considered him guilty of heresy.

3 Docile Adjective Easy to teach or manage
Usually sheep are considered pretty docile, but this one was a stubborn jerk.

4 Libation Noun A drink; often alcoholic
Our host offered me a libation, but I had to decline.

5 Anathema Noun A hated person or thing
I abhor Brussel sprouts. They are anathema to me.

6 Banter Noun Teasing, playful conversation
Spiderman is known for his banter with his foes.

7 Castigate Verb To criticize or punish severely
I knew I’d done the wrong thing, but I thought castigating me publicly was a little too much.

8 Gauche Adjective Lacking social graces or etiquette
He was raised by wolves, so, of course, he was a little gauche at the fancy dinner party. Licking his plate, for instance.

9 Ignominy Noun Public shame or disgrace
I couldn’t stand the ignominy of terrible grades, so I made sure I always made the effort to do well.

10 Livid Adjective Extremely angry
Being jettisoned from the plane mid-sentence left me livid. I was definitely going to have a chat with her about politeness.

11 Emaciated Adjective Extremely thin, wasted away
The prisoners-of-war returned home emaciated. It made us sick just to look.

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