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Mini Quiz 1) Jung believed that as the result of history, we all share inborn species-specific ideas and memories. This is Jung’s idea of A) social interest.

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Presentation on theme: "Mini Quiz 1) Jung believed that as the result of history, we all share inborn species-specific ideas and memories. This is Jung’s idea of A) social interest."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mini Quiz 1) Jung believed that as the result of history, we all share inborn species-specific ideas and memories. This is Jung’s idea of A) social interest B) collective unconscious C) anima D) generativity

3 Mini Quiz 2) Adult behavior, according to Horney, is based on efforts to A) overcome the fear of being along in a hostile world B) dealing with the Oedipal crisis C) feelings of inferiority D)repressed collective unconscious

4 Mini Quiz 3) The idea that men and women each have a masculine and feminine side is linked to Jung’s idea about A) intimacy and isolation B) dealing with the Oedipal crisis C) animus and anima D) inferiority and compensation

5 Mini Quiz 4) Tom was a sickly child and always felt helpless. According to Adler, as an adult Tom will probably A) give up on life B) lose all interested in his social environment C) overcompensate D) become self-focused

6 Mini Quiz 5) Mini quizzes are A) best part of my day
B) best part of my week C) best part of this semester D) best part of my life


8 Freud is Dead

9 What happened next? Neo-Freudians Carl Jung Alfred Adler Karen Horney
People who continued to develop psychoanalytic theory Carl Jung Alfred Adler Karen Horney Erick Erikson

10 Erik Erikson Coolest sounding name in psychology?

11 Ego Psychology Stresses the importance of the ego in development
Freud’s view of the ego vs. Erikson’s view Emphasizes the integration of biological and social forces in the development of the ego

12 Ego Development Occurs in a series of predetermined stages
Eight stages Each stage has a crisis A crucial period in which a decisive turn is unavoidable Stages are dependent on each other A positive or negative turn at an earlier stage affects later stages

13 Oral-Sensory Stage Birth – 1 year Basic trust vs. mistrust
Similar to Freud’s oral stage If mother acts in a loving or considerate manner, the infant will develop basic trust Ego understands people are dependable If mother is unreliable or rejecting the infant will develop mistrust

14 Muscular-Anal Stage 2 – 3 years Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
Similar to Freud’s anal stage Child’s muscles mature, starts to learn how to control them Parents attempt to teach child to obey them – conflict of will and power

15 Muscular-Anal Stage If parents guide their children's behavior gradually and firmly Autonomy and self-control is engendered If too permissive or too harsh Child senses defeat and has shame and doubt concerning their abilities to make effective judgments

16 Locomotor-Genital Stage
4 – 5 years Initiative vs. doubt Similar to Freud’s phallic stage At this point child senses they are an individual Must find out what kind of people they may become

17 Locomotor-Genital Stage
Start to see fantasy play about being an adult Occupation Various roles Marriage (to the opposite sex parent) If family understands and guides such play in socially acceptable acitivityue Initiative is sparked (play more) If children are punished for such fantasy play Guilt occurs

18 Latency Stage 6 – 12 years Industry vs. inferiority
Similar to Freud’s latency stage Period where children start to learn new skills If children succeed they will develop a sense of industry If children fail they will develop feelings of inferiority

19 Adolescence 13 – 19 years Identity vs. role confusion
From the previous stages a person has a sense they are somebody Part of a family Sense of independence Ability to take initiative Able to complete tasks

20 Group Activity Determine five things that modern teenagers do, or perhaps that you do or once did, that might be interpreted as indicating a struggle to establish identity.

21 Adolescence But “who” are they? Identity
The things we are, the things we want to become, and the things we are suppose to become

22 Adolescence Identity Crisis Role confusion
Who and what one should become Embrace simple ideologies of other (heroes)

23 Adolescence Identity Role confusion

24 Young Adulthood 20 – 24 years Intimacy vs. isolation

25 Young Adulthood Such relations are only possible after an identity has been established Share identity Must be willing to sacrifice Must be willing to regulate the cycles of Work Procreation Recreation

26 Young Adulthood Success means you have the capacity for intimacy
Failure means you experience a sense of isolation Will not take a chance with your identity Love is only superficial Success means you have the capacity for intimacy Failure means you experience a sense of isolation Will not take a chance with your identity Love is only superficial

27 Middle Adulthood 25 – 64 years Generativity vs. stagnation
Are you going to be productive and contribute to the welfare of the next generation?

28 Middle Adulthood Generativity Stagnation
Concerned not only with self development but also helping the next generation Does not have to involve own children Stagnation Lack of productivity, boredom, and interpersonal impoverishment

29 Late Adulthood 65 years – death Ego integrity vs. despair
Death is near How was your life?

30 Late Adulthood Ego integrity Adapted to triumphs and disappointments
Generated ideas (or others) Conclude your life had meaning and unity Accept your death as part of life

31 Late Adulthood Despair Unable to accept inevitable failures of life
Had a selfish or uncaring life Despair because you know you are going to die – no way to “redo” your life

32 Eight Stages of Man Stage Age Ego Crisis Oral-Sensory Birth – 1
Basic trust vs. mistrust Muscular-Anal 2 – 3 Autonomy vs. same and doubt Locomotor-Genital 4 – 5 Initiative vs. guilt Latency 6 – 12 Industry vs. inferiority Adolescence 13 – 19 Identity vs. role confusion Young Adulthood 20 – 24 Intimacy vs. isolation Middle Adulthood 25 – 66 Generativity vs. stagnation Late Adulthood 65 - death Ego integrity vs. despair


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