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Presentation on theme: "Meiosis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meiosis

2 Cell Division Mitosis is the division of one cell into two IDENTICAL DIPLOID cells Identical to each other Identical to the original cell Same number of chromosomes

3 Cell Division MEIOSIS is the division of one cell into four genetically DIFFERENT HAPLOID cells (known as gametes or sex cells) Different from each other Different from the original cell HALF the number of chromosomes

4 Sexual Reproduction When a sperm fertilizes an egg…
Does the fertilized egg have twice as many chromosomes? Why not? Because the sperm and the egg have HALF the chromosomes of a normal cell

5 Chromosome Pairs Humans have 46 chromosomes
Each of our 46 chromosomes has a “twin” 23 sets of “twins”

6 Chromosome Pairs HOMOLOGOUS PAIRS
Two chromosomes with same genetic info Mom’s gene for hair color match up with dad’s gene for hair color to determine your hair color 23 chromosomes come from mom 23 chromosomes come from dad = 46 23 HOMOLOGOUS PAIRS

7 Sexual Reproduction Gamete – any reproductive cell
Egg or sperm Gametes are haploid (23) HAPLOID = 1 set of unpaired chromosomes HA = Half PLOID = Chromosomes

8 Sexual Reproduction Haploid + Haploid = Diploid
Egg + Sperm = Fertilized Egg Meiosis is the cell division in which the resulting cells (gametes) have half the number of chromosomes as the original cell

9 Meiosis Meiosis has two parts: Meiosis I Meiosis II

10 PMAT PMAT Meiosis I & II Meiosis I Meiosis II Prophase I Metaphase I
Anaphase I Telophase I Meiosis II Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II PMAT PMAT

11 Meiosis Overview Very similar to mitosis Here are the differences…
Starts as diploid (2n) Ends as haploid (1n)

12 Meiosis Overview Very similar to mitosis Here are the differences…
Starts as diploid (2n) Ends as haploid (1n)

13 Meiosis I: Homologous Pairs Separate
Prophase I DNA condenses Nuclear envelope breaks down Spindle fibers form Difference: Homologous pairs begin to pair up


15 Crossing Over In Prophase I, the homologous pairs, pair up with each other During this time, crossing over can occur The chromatids are so close to each other, they can literally cross each other and swap genetic information Always in equal amounts Crossing over creates genetic variation

16 Genetic Variation: Crossing Over


18 Meiosis I: Homologous Pairs Separate
Metaphase I Homologous pairs Line up at the middle DIFFERENT FROM METAPHASE Metaphase each one lines up Metaphase 1 pairs line up SAME – spindle fibers attach


20 Meiosis I: Homologous Pairs Separate
Anaphase I Homologous pairs separate and move to opposite poles SIMILAR TO ANAPHASE BUT Sister chromatids are still together


22 Meiosis I: Homologous Pairs Separate
Telophase I Chromosomes gather Cytokinesis begins SAME AS TELOPHASE


24 Meiosis II: SISTER Chromatids Separate
Prophase II DNA stays condensed Nuclear envelope breaks down Spindle fibers form SAME AS PROPHASE AND PROPHASE 1


26 Meiosis II: SISTER Chromatids Separate
Metaphase II Chromosomes line up at equator SAME AS METAPHASE Metaphase I – pairs separate Metaphase II – chromatids separate


28 Meiosis II: SISTER Chromatids Separate
Anaphase II Chromatids separate and move to opposite poles SAME AS ANAPHASE


30 Meiosis II: SISTER Chromatids Separate
Telophase II Chromosomes gather and nuclear envelope forms Cytokinesis begins SAME AS TELOPHASE


32 Oogenesis- formation of ovum (egg cells)
Oo = egg Genesis = beginning or make Oogenesis is meiosis for females Female mammals are believed to be born with finite number of potential eggs 7 million at 20 weeks of gestation 1-2 million at birth 400,000 at puberty ~500 will be released in their lifetime Few if any complete meiosis

33 Spermatogenesis- formation of sperm cells
Spermatogenesis is meiosis for males Begins at puberty, ends at death One spermatocyte yields four spermatozoa Process takes about 64 days 170 million sperm made a day


35 Meiosis Video

36 Meiosis


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