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Chapter 15 The West Between the Wars

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1 Chapter 15 The West Between the Wars

2 Chapter 15 The West Between the Wars
Lesson 1 Instability after World War I

3 Occupation of the Ruhr Valley
• In 1922, French troops occupied the Ruhr Valley after Germany defaulted on reparations payments. • France planned to collect mining and industrial resources for payments owed. • German workers passively resisted the French occupation by striking. • German inflation made paper currency worthless. • The Dawes Plan restructured German payments.

4 Lesson 2 The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes
Chapter 15 Lesson 2 The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes

5 Foreign Aid in the Spanish Civil War
Spanish Republic • Aided by 40,000 foreign volunteers • Supported by the Soviet Union o Approximately 3,000 military advisers o Approximately 800 aircraft, 360 tanks, and 1,500 pieces of artillery General Francisco Franco • Received aid from Italy and Germany o More than 60,000 soldiers o Approximately 1,200 aircraft, 350 tanks, and 2,000 pieces of artillery

6 o The Church was given sovereign independence in Vatican City.
Fascism, the Italian Monarchy, and the Catholic Church • After Mussolini was made prime minister, the Italian Fascist government allowed Victor Emmanuel III to remain as king. • The Fascists declared the Catholic Church to be the “sole religion of the state.” o The Church was given sovereign independence in Vatican City. o The Church was provided with a large grant of money. o In return, the Church urged Italians to support the Fascist regime. • The Fascists made it unlawful to publish criticism of the Catholic Church, the monarchy, or the state.

7 Women and Fascism in Italy
• Italian Fascists portrayed the family as the “pillar of the state.” • As the foundation of the family, women were confined to the roles of homemakers and mothers. • To Mussolini, these roles were women’s “natural and fundamental mission in life.”

8 Creation of the Soviet Union
• After World War I, Russian peasants sabotage Communist program by hoarding food. • Drought leads to catastrophic famine between and 1922. • Industrial collapse accompanies crop failures. • In response to economic chaos, Lenin institutes New Economic Policy, a modification of old capitalist system. • In 1922, after economic recovery, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is created.

9 Social Cost of Collectivization
• Stalin’s collectivization of agriculture involved government’s taking ownership of all farmland. • Many peasants resisted working for government and hoarded crops. • Millions who resisted were sent to prison camps. • Policies led to widespread famine.

10 Lesson 3 Hitler and Nazi Germany
Chapter 15 Lesson 3 Hitler and Nazi Germany

11 The Rise of Adolf Hitler
• After release from prison, expanded Nazi Party so that it could compete for votes • Decline of German government leaders’ popularity in late 1920s and early 1930s due to economic problems • Popularity of Hitler’s nationalist appeals, leading to Nazis’ becoming largest party in German parliament in 1932 • Appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933

12 Nazi Propaganda • The Nazis made use of social institutions to indoctrinate the young. o Churches, schools, universities o Nazi professional and youth organizations • Printed propaganda included books, posters, and newspapers.

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