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Land of Lands (L.O.L) Key •=Major City N W E 80 miles S Scale:

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1 Land of Lands (L.O.L) Key •=Major City N W E 80 miles S Scale:
☆=Capital •=Major City - - - State Border Neverland Far Far Away Zootopia Metrocity Pride Rock N Hundred Acre Wood W E 80 miles S Scale:

2 Elephant Graveyard Range
Land of Lands (L.O.L) Lionheart Rainforest ↟↟↟ Elephant Graveyard Range ^^^ Heffalump Hollows Crocodile Creek Shrek’s Swamp River of Pooh Corner Key 一Rivers ↟Rain Forests ^^^Mountain Ranges ⼮ Swamp Lands N E W S Scale: 80 miles

3 Location Absolute: Relative:
The coordinates of L.O.L. are 40° N, 140° W. L.O.L. is located in the Northwestern Hemisphere. The country it is closest to is the United States of America.

4 Place: Climate Southern Areas are usually more humid
Temp. is Usually Warm Relatively Dry in the winter-not too arid Not lacking in rain during the summer

5 Place: People Part one Religion
Traditions Central Farm to increase Produce and boost health rates Local Farming is a public job, not a private property matter. Deep appreciation and love for the earth and do all they can to be respectful and mindful of it. Place: People Part one Nationalities Originally a Portuguese Settlement Taken over by the French in 1608 Repopulated by French, therefore that is the ethnicity of most citizens Got independence in 1835 when France was still weak from the revolution Language 74% of the inhabitants use French as their primary language. Religion Primarily Catholic, some traces of Judaism

6 Place: People Part two Politics
Celebrations The people of L.O.L. celebrate the Earth on April 22, July 22, and November 22. In April, many citizens gather at the central farm (Or the local city farm if Central Farm is too far away) and assist the main farmers with planting their crops. In July they hold a parade that they call “The March of the Earth.” In September, citizens help and participate in the Great Harvest. Place: People Part two Politics Run a stable democracy, with Megamind as president. Members of Congress include Sir Shrek, James Hook, Christopher Robin, M. Simba, and Leodore Lionheart.

7 Movement Imports Rich Soil Tractors Fertilizers Exports
Minimal Produce (Majority goes to welfare of the Island) Saplings (To promote green lifestyles and growing life) Movement Imports Rich Soil Tractors Fertilizers Immigration People would love to come to L.O.L. for the relative peace and the beautiful and preserved atmosphere. Transportation Out of respect for the planet, the primary method of transportation is walking to decrease air pollution and such. Of course, sometimes cars are necessary but when possible the citizens use their feet.

8 Human Environment Interaction
Land Use Planting Crops Using water runoff from the Elephant Graveyard Range Using Runoff in canals to irrigate crops Human Environment Interaction Major Changes Poohsticks Bridge (To make travelling over the river at Pooh Corner easier) Adaptations They build homes with air conditioning to stay cool in the summer Keep blankets for cold in the winter

9 Region Political Divisions Separated by Provinces Cultural Regions
The people towards the North tend to show their respect for the earth through agriculture and farming The people of the South show their respect through a caring mindset (ex. Not cutting down natural vegetation)

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