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Culture pp. 5-15 in Springboard.

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1 Culture pp in Springboard

2 Defining Culture pp. 5-6 Write your definition of culture
Culture is _____________________________________________________ Jot down other ideas that your peers are saying. Make a word web using the word culture at the center and attach words that you associate with it. Listen to the objects presented and document your first associations and responses from peers in the chart provided. Why do you think your peers differed from your perceptions? If you were asked to bring 5 objects to class tomorrow that would express something about your cultural identity, what would they be? The behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic or age group.

3 American Flag

4 Facebook

5 Snapchat

6 OJ Simpson

7 Trump

8 What is Cultural Identity? By Elsie Trumbull and Maria Pacheco
Culture entails many things related to ethnicity. Is this always true? Can you think of an situation where you differ in ethnicity but relate more in many other cultural aspect? Culture consists of the things that members of the society are taught to be “true”? What is something within your family culture that you are being raised to believe is absolute truth while other families may have completely opposite opinions on? We spend so much time nowadays talking about other cultures we tend to have “invisible cultures” ourselves. Do you agree with the above statement? Why or why not? “Cultural heritage refers to what society as a whole possesses, and a cultural inheritance is what each individual possesses. In other words, each individual inherits some (but not all) of the cultural heritage of the group.” What aspect of your culture are you currently or hopefully going to reject?

9 Ethnic Hash by Patricia J. Williams
Look around the room and analyze the different dishes. Then choose one that could best represent your cultural identity. The one you choose may not be what you enjoy, nor what you grew up eating, but instead you may feel drawn to it simply because its ingredients or way in which it was prepared could be representative of you. Discuss reasons why you chose this food item with those who also identified with this item. Be prepared to have one spokes person convey a summary of ideas. What did the metaphorical title suggest about Williams’s cultural identity? If you were asked to prepare a dish representing your ethnic heritage, would this be easy to come up with or difficult? Why? What is one thing you know your parents (mom and/or dad) grew up eating? Is this a dish you still eat today? What dish would you end up bringing to represent yourself? Why?

10 My Dish

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