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SMOKING CESSATION @ ENGAGE MERTON A dedicated space for you to think about and change your smoking habit and move towards a healthier you as part of your.

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Presentation on theme: "SMOKING CESSATION @ ENGAGE MERTON A dedicated space for you to think about and change your smoking habit and move towards a healthier you as part of your."— Presentation transcript:

A dedicated space for you to think about and change your smoking habit and move towards a healthier you as part of your recovery journey! Explore the reasons and benefits, and the challenges, of quitting. Advice about the different options available to support you in quitting. Set a quit date and prepare for it. Get pharmacy vouchers or GP letters to get a 12-week supply of your chosen ‘quit-aid’. Review your progress, explore solutions for coping with cravings and urges, and respond to ‘slips’. Watch the carbon monoxide in your breath come down! 3-6pm MONDAYS Speak to Helen O’Connor, or let your keyworker, group facilitator or counsellor know if you would like to make an appointment .

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