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Presentation on theme: "2nd IRU-AULT-LAS SEMINAR ON ROAD SAFETY AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING"— Presentation transcript:

THE WAY FORWARD... Alexandria – 25 October 2010 Haydar Özkan IRU General Delegate to the Middle East and Region © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

2 The LAS Region © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

3 LAS region – a bridge for the International Transit Trade Flows
© International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

4 Opportunities vs Challenges
Efficient and professional services of the road transport industry will enable the LAS region, at the crossroads of world trade flows , to seize better the opportunities of globalisation of trade! © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

5 Opportunities vs Challenges
Road Safety! A Big Challenge! © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

6 The way forward... © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

7 Road Safety in the LAS Region
Improve Road Safety in the LAS Region – Act now! © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2008

8 in the LAS Region – Target the Main Cause Effectively
Improve Road Safety in the LAS Region – Target the Main Cause Effectively Juliette: Welcome Asking them if they all have taken a press kid. - Introduction: Currently, only limited data are available regarding accidents involving trucks and even less is known about the cause of these accidents. To fill this lack of knowledge, the European Commission (EC) and the International Road Transport Union (IRU) undertook a scientific study, the European Truck Accident Causation Study (ETAC) identifying the main causes of accidents involving heavy goods vehicles. The results of the study and its recommendations will be presented during this press conference. © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

9 ETAC – A Scientific Study
Expert teams investigated on site more than 600 accidents involving trucks over 2 years. Investigations were based on a scientific, widely accepted and internationally benchmarked methodology. Hubert: Well known accident investigation expert teams have analysed 624 accidents in seven European Countries: France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain. The key selection criteria for each studied accident were that at least one person was injured - the vehicles are still in the final position Following an internationally accepted methodology the teams: Firstly, investigated at the scene of the accident (on spot) Secondly, analysed the collected data and doubled checked them with police and hospital reports, witness interviews, road geometric data and information on the vehicles deformation and Thirdly, reconstructed the accident. ETAC – First of its kind! © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

10 Main Cause of an Accident: More Details
The top main causes for accidents between a truck and other road users are, according to the mentioned accident configurations: 1- Non-adapted speed 2- Failure to observe intersection rules 3- Improper manœuvre when changing lanes Hubert: The top main causes for accidents between a truck and other road users are, according to the mentioned accident configurations: 1- Non-adapted speed 2- Failure to observe intersection rules, 3- Improper manœuvre when changing lanes © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

11 ETAC A succes with limitations
Study, database and methodology is there But geographical limitations very complex heavy methodology “LASTAC” LAS Truck Accident Causation Study as part of “the Decade of Action” Hubert: Well known accident investigation expert teams have analysed 624 accidents in seven European Countries: France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain. The key selection criteria for each studied accident were that at least one person was injured - the vehicles are still in the final position Following an internationally accepted methodology the teams: Firstly, investigated at the scene of the accident (on spot) Secondly, analysed the collected data and doubled checked them with police and hospital reports, witness interviews, road geometric data and information on the vehicles deformation and Thirdly, reconstructed the accident. © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

12 LASTAC Feasibility Study
Objective of the feasibility study is to provide recommendations on: Technical feasibility Economic feasibility Legal feasibility Operational feasibility Schedule feasibility Hubert: Well known accident investigation expert teams have analysed 624 accidents in seven European Countries: France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain. The key selection criteria for each studied accident were that at least one person was injured - the vehicles are still in the final position Following an internationally accepted methodology the teams: Firstly, investigated at the scene of the accident (on spot) Secondly, analysed the collected data and doubled checked them with police and hospital reports, witness interviews, road geometric data and information on the vehicles deformation and Thirdly, reconstructed the accident. © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

13 LASTAC Feasibility Study
Project Partner for the feasibility study: International Road Transport Union (IRU) Arab Union of Land Transport (AULT) Centre Européen d’Etudes de Sécurité et d’Analyse des Risques (CEESAR) leading consultant for the original ETAC study Regional experts Project timing for the feasibility study: January 2011 till September 2011 Hubert: Well known accident investigation expert teams have analysed 624 accidents in seven European Countries: France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain. The key selection criteria for each studied accident were that at least one person was injured - the vehicles are still in the final position Following an internationally accepted methodology the teams: Firstly, investigated at the scene of the accident (on spot) Secondly, analysed the collected data and doubled checked them with police and hospital reports, witness interviews, road geometric data and information on the vehicles deformation and Thirdly, reconstructed the accident. © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

14 in the LAS Region – Improve Training of Professional Drivers
Improve Road Safety in the LAS Region – Improve Training of Professional Drivers Juliette: Welcome Asking them if they all have taken a press kid. - Introduction: Currently, only limited data are available regarding accidents involving trucks and even less is known about the cause of these accidents. To fill this lack of knowledge, the European Commission (EC) and the International Road Transport Union (IRU) undertook a scientific study, the European Truck Accident Causation Study (ETAC) identifying the main causes of accidents involving heavy goods vehicles. The results of the study and its recommendations will be presented during this press conference. © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

15 Key to safer roads and stronger Arab road transport industry:
Regulated access to market! Professional competence confirmed by a Certificate for Professional Competence (CPC) – for the transport managers and for the drivers. Good repute. Financial standing. © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

16 Worldwide Excellence in Road Transport Training
© International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009 16

17 International Recognition
2008 – IRU ACADEMY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (ADC) UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe IRU ACADEMY INITIATIVES ALSO SUPPORTED BY: © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009 17

18 Improve Professional Training in the LAS Region in 2011
ONGOING PROJECTS: Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria Develop new projects with interested partners, Hold training workshops in interested LAS Member States. © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

19 in the LAS Region – Facilitate Road Transport for True Professionals
Improve Road Safety in the LAS Region – Facilitate Road Transport for True Professionals Juliette: Welcome Asking them if they all have taken a press kid. - Introduction: Currently, only limited data are available regarding accidents involving trucks and even less is known about the cause of these accidents. To fill this lack of knowledge, the European Commission (EC) and the International Road Transport Union (IRU) undertook a scientific study, the European Truck Accident Causation Study (ETAC) identifying the main causes of accidents involving heavy goods vehicles. The results of the study and its recommendations will be presented during this press conference. © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

20 Status of 57 UN Conventions in the LAS Region as of 28 Sep 2010
16 6 7 1 15 9 4 9 2 5 5 3 1 Map Source: / Map of League of Arab States countries © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

21 Contracting Parties in the Region as of 28 September 2010
21 31 37 12 12 14 10 9 21 12 5 6 4 6 7 1 3 9 10 4 5 2 2 7 3 5 1 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

22 IRU’s vision – the LAS region can be again the world’s crossroad for trade
© International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

23 The way forward... In true public-private partnership...
Target the main cause of accidents Conduct a LASTAC feasibility study between January-September 2011 Review the results at the 3rd IRU-LAS-AULT Seminar for appropriate action Improve professional training at international standards Regulatory framework: A condition to have access to profession! Scope: Transport managers, drivers including dangerous goods carriage IRU Academy international standards – implement and promote! Facilitate road transport for true professionals UN Conventions: in particular TIR, CMR and Harmonisation Conventions... But also the ADR and ATP Conventions What is next? The Council of Arab Ministers of Transport endorses the Seminar Conclusions. IDB approves the Grant Application to the AULT. IRU implements suggested actions together with the LAS and the AULT. Review the progress at the 3rd IRU-LAS-AULT Seminar on ADR in 2011. © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009 23

24 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009


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