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AFDO-Managed Retail Program Standards Grant Program

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1 AFDO-Managed Retail Program Standards Grant Program

2 Program Goals Supporting innovative strategies to reduce the occurrence of foodborne illness risk factors; Promoting uniformity and an integrated national food safety system; and Sharing successful strategies among jurisdictions at all levels.

3 Amount Awarded Year 6 (CY 2019)
Granting Year Number of Awards Funds Awarded Year 1 (Winter 2014) 155 $449,496 Year 2 (Fall 2014) 184 $522,590 Year 3 (Fall 2015) 350 $1,975,363 Year 4 (CY 2017) 435 $1,962,986 Year 5 (CY 2018) 397 $1,525,908 Totals: 1,521 $6,439,343 Year 6 (CY 2019) Approximately $1,525,000 in funding is available for this granting year.

4 Grantee Comments About the Program
“The VNRFRPS Grant has greatly aided LLCHD to advance the Retail Standard work being done by the department. These grants are easy to apply for and easy to report on, allowing us to do more work without excessive administrative burden.” - Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department “The application process and award reimbursement are seamless activities. The ease of use that has been developed into the portal and the staff providing support is great. My s with questions are quickly addressed and have even received calls from the AFDO staff wanting to be sure they understood my questions. Strongly encourage everyone to make a go at one or all of these grants. “ - Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment “The AFDO team is a pleasure to work with and streamlines the grant process to minimize the resources devoted to this grant’s management. AFDO grants are highly recommended by Harris County for projects of all sizes to promote the FDA Standards.” - Harris County Public Health

5 Calendar Year 2019 Application Period
The application portal will be open to accept submissions for the CY funding year from September 19, 2018 through October 24, at 7:59 PM Eastern Time.  

6 Who Can Apply? All retail food safety organizations or agencies currently enrolled in the Retail Program Standards can apply. Is your jurisdiction enrolled? Check here: Funding is available to retail food safety organizations or agencies currently enrolled in the Retail Program Standards.

7 in the Program Standards
Grant Program Process 3 phases - each phase consists of 3 easy steps GrantAward Enrollment in the Program Standards 1 −−−−− 2 −−−−− 3 −−−−− Application Process 1 −−−−− 2 −−−−− 3 −−−− Reimbursement Process 1 −−−−− 2 −−−−− 3 −−−−−

8 in the Program Standards
GrantAward Enrollment in the Program Standards Application Process Reimbursement Process TRANSITION SLIDE – Introduces Enrollment in the Program Standards section. Advances automatically.

9 Enrollment in the Program Standards
Enrollment can be completed in 1-3 days following the 3 simple steps below: Step 1  Review the FDA Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards guidance online at  including the Administrative Procedures. Step 2  Contact the FDA Regional Retail Food Safety Specialist assigned to your FDA Region, and notify them of your intent to enroll.  Step 3   Complete FDA National Registry Report (FDA Form 3958) and submit to your respective Regional Retail Food Specialist. NOTE: “Please enroll this jurisdiction in the Retail Program Standards” in Section 2. Visit for full details.

10 Food Protection Task Force
Funding Categories Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Small Projects Up to $3,000 Moderate Projects Up to $20,000 Training Projects Food Protection Task Force Category 1: The goal for this category is to provide funding for jurisdictions to complete a Self-Assessment of all nine Standards, small projects related to meeting one or more Standards, verification audit(s) confirming the results of the jurisdiction’s Self-Assessment (indicating that it meets one or more of the Standards), or custom projects that increase a jurisdiction’s conformance with the Standards. Category 2:Projects in this category should aim for completion of more ambitious projects that help further conformance with the Retail Program Standards (computer software systems, risk factor studies, development of a written compliance program, training events, etc.). Applicants for this category must have conducted a Self-Assessment within the last five years. Category 3: The goal of this category is to provide funding for jurisdictions to send staff to training to meet the requirements of Standard 2 (Step 1 & 3 Curriculum or CEU maintenance) or to attend FDA Regional Seminars to maintain FDA Standardization. Category 4: The goal of this category is to advance conformance with the Retail Program Standards by supporting standing Food Protection Task Force activities (or similar Food Advisory Board/Council activities, whether Task Force/Board/Council is supported by an FDA grant or not).  Allowed activities under this category include planning costs and/or travel funds for meetings, sponsored trainings, workshops, tabletop exercises and mentorship activities. Successful applications will clearly explain how the proposed project helps the jurisdiction meet the requirements of Standard 5 Foodborne Illness and Food Defense Preparedness and Response and/or Standard 7 Industry and Community Relations.

11 Funding Categories 1 2 3 4 Small Projects Up to $3,000 Category
Moderate Projects Up to $20,000 Training Projects Up to $3,000 Food Protection Task Force Category 2 3 4 Small Projects Up to $3,000 Fixed-reimbursement grants are associated with most Category 1 Small Projects. If awarded, upon completion of the project and approval of the Final Report, a specific dollar amount will be reimbursed to the grantee’s agency or organization. For these specific grant types only, applicants do not need to submit a budget or budget justification, as individual expenses are not reported. Reimbursement will be made on a fixed-reimbursement basis upon submission of a completed final report and FDA Form 3958. Verification Audit of One Standard $2,000 Verification Audit of Two or More Standards $3,000 Self Assessment of All Nine Standards $2,500 Custom Small Project Up to $3,000

12 in the Program Standards
GrantAward Enrollment in the Program Standards Application Process Reimbursement Process TRANSITION SLIDE – Introduces The Application Process section. Advances automatically.

13 CY 2019 Application Period:
The Application Process CY 2019 Application Period: September 19 - October 24, 2018 Funding cycles align with the Calendar Year For the latest information on the 2019 Funding Cycle, sign up to receive s with news and updates at: As you consider your application for the 2019 Funding Cycle, be sure to check out a list of previously funded projects at:

14 The Application Process
1 STEP Log in or register as a new user in the Grant Portal via This website contains all of the most up to date program information as well as complete grant guidance, reimbursement instructions, the Reimbursement Form, other helpful links related to the Retail Program Standards. Click the yellow button to access the grant portal. As an existing user, once you access the grant portal, you will need to enter your login credentials. This will give access to all grant information for your jurisdiction. As a new user, you will need to complete the brief eligibility questionnaire, then enter personal and organization information. You will receive a username and password within 2 business days but usually sooner. You will use this username and password from now on to complete your application(s), view award decisions, access granted awards, complete reports and reimbursement requests, and view payment information.

15 Complete applications, up to 4 per funding cycle
The Application Process 2 STEP Complete applications, up to 4 per funding cycle Jurisdictions may apply for funding for one (1) project in each Category (1, 2, 3, and 4). No more than four (4) total applications can be submitted for this grant program by a single jurisdiction for the funding cycle. Jurisdictions that previously applied for and/or were awarded funding in previous years of the Retail Program Standards Grant Program are eligible to apply to all four grant categories. Each grant category is described here as well as in full detail in the grant guidance available at Certain categories and subcategories have additional eligibility criteria: Category 1: Verification Audits or Custom Projects require that a Self Assessment has been completed at some point by your jurisdiction. Category 2: A recent (within 5 years of the grant cycle) Self Assessment must have been completed by your jurisdiction.

16 Submit applications and await funding decisions
The Application Process 3 STEP Submit applications and await funding decisions Submit your application(s) by the application deadline. A grants administrator will contact you if any additional information is required to review your application(s). You will be notified of award decisions via by the date specified in the current granting year’s Grant Guidance available at If your grant(s) are awarded, you can contact the grants management support team at anytime with questions about your grant or if you need to request revisions to your grant or any changes to your original approved budget. All changes must be approved by the grants manager.

17 in the Program Standards
GrantAward Enrollment in the Program Standards Application Process Reimbursement Process TRANSITION SLIDE – Introduces The Reimbursement Process section. Advances automatically.

18 Access Reports through the Grant Portal
The Reimbursement Process 1 STEP Access Reports through the Grant Portal Once you click on “Reports Due,” select the grant you are ready to submit the report for. Click “Edit” at the top and complete all Final Report questions, and enter payment information. and attach necessary documents. While all grants require a Final Report, Category 2 grants also require submission of an Interim Report. This report will also be accessed under “Reports Due”. You can “Save” your work at any time.

19 Select and Complete the Final Report and Upload Required Documents
The Reimbursement Process 2 STEP Select and Complete the Final Report and Upload Required Documents Once all work associated with your grant is complete and/or you have reached the end of your grant period, you must complete a Final Report. The Final Report can be accessed under “Reports Due” in the grant portal. Note: if your report is overdue, you will need to access it under “Overdue Reports”.. Required Documentation: Fixed Grants (for Self Assessments or Verification Audits): FDA form 3958 is required. All Other Grants: Expenditure Verification is required.

20 The Reimbursement Process
3 STEP Submit Report Once all work associated with your grant is complete and/or you have reached the end of your grant period, you must complete a Final Report. The Final Report can be accessed under “Reports Due” in the grant portal. Note: if your report is overdue, you will need to access it under “Overdue Reports”.

21 Program Information
Contact Us Phone:


23 AFDO-Managed Retail Program Standards Grant Program

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