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Teenagers; how we affect Family Life

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Presentation on theme: "Teenagers; how we affect Family Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teenagers; how we affect Family Life
How do my attitudes and behaviors Strengthen or Destroy my Family?

2 Do my attitudes and behaviors really make a difference?

3 Attitudes and Behaviors that destroy Family Relationships
Withdrawal from family Avoiding certain family members Destructive communication (“YOU” statements, yelling, not listening, blaming, etc) Withholding affection and emotions Selfishness Not willing to help pull the load with chores, etc

4 Attitudes and Behaviors that Strengthen family relationships!
Having and showing appreciation Appropriate affection (hug, hold hands, back pats, etc) Commitment Spend time together! Build traditions Creative problem solving (use active listening skills) Constructive communication (“I” messages, taking responsibility)

5 Consistent throughout the Life Span

6 Physiological Needs: how can I help?
Write down 3 ways you can help meet the physiological needs of your family- food, shelter, water, clothing, sleep- 1. 2. 3.

7 Safety and Security Needs, how can I help?
List 3 things you can do to help with the safety and security of your home? (Health, employment, property, family needs, stability and happiness of siblings and parents) 1. 2. 3.

8 Love and Belongingness, how can I help my family?
List 3 ways you can build love in your family and help everyone to feel that they belong there? Friendship, Family connections, Intimacy and kindness. 1. 2. 3.

9 How can I build my Self Esteem?
Refer to Unit 1 Packet! Respect Myself and others! Talk nice to myself!

10 Self Actualization! Inner-most POTENTIAL
How does having self esteem and reaching my innermost potential help build my family? Morality, Creativity, spontaneity, acceptance, experience purpose, to have meaning and reach my full potential!

11 What do you have in common with the Elderly in your family and community? What can you learn from them? What can you help them with? You are both at crossroads in life, have anxieties about the future, hormonal changes, possible drug abuse (prescription or not), suffer from loneliness and depression, preoccupied with driving (you want your license, they want theirs back), concerned about their independence, victims of discrimination prime candidates for abuse and criminal activity, don’t have a lot of money, etc…

12 How can I bond with my grandparents?
List 3 things you can do to strengthen your relationship with your grandparents, or elderly neighbors: Help with their yard/house work, write letters, send pictures, ask about family members, help them with the computer/phone, ask them about life when they were my age, listen, share ideas and thoughts, visit, ask them to teach you something they are good at –cooking, motors, sewing, etc. 1. 2. 3.

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