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Vertex Detector Overview Prototypes R&D Plans Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Vertex Detector Overview Prototypes R&D Plans Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vertex Detector Overview Prototypes R&D Plans Summary

2 Radiation Environment
Including effects of walls, vessel High doses at tips (1/r2) Dose after 1yr 1014 station 6 1 MeV equivalent neutrons/cm2 1013 cm

3 Technology Options for LHCb Vertex Detector
pro con p strip Single sided processing Rapidly falling efficiency Reduced cost (30%)and ease of handling below partial depletion Minimum pitch 12 m High field region on opposite surface to readout Thin detectors advantageous for Needs to be thinner for given multiple scattering operating voltage.(Lower signal) Handling(cost) of thin detectors. n strip High efficiency at partial depletion gives Lithographic processing of back lower operating voltage and lower power (Cost and handling) High field region (after irradiation) at Minimum pitch 40m. readout strips. Operating partially depleted at tip still allows full depletion (high CCE) elsewhere. both Material Difficult to handle Charge Correlation Offset voltages on one side of detector for electronics. Thermal contact - sensitive face? Prototype 1998

4 Prototypes Design n strip (robust) Measured Performance
Immediate Plans

5 Design r-detectors r-measuring -measuring detectors detectors
5 ° “stereo” tilt Both detectors utilize a double metal layer to readout inner strips whilst keeping electronics outside of fiducial. -detectors Detectors Fabricated by Hamamatsu

6 Detectors fabricated on 100mm wafer
inner radius 10mm readout tracks spaced 50m -measuring detectors r-measuring detectors

7 Detector Measurements
-detectors r-detectors 200 60 Current nA Current nA 40 100 20 volts volts 300 500 400 200 Capacitance pF 300 Capacitance pF 200 100 100 volts volts

8 Detectors with VA2 electronics (8-chips)
noise (2adc) pedestal (offset from 1700)

9 Source Test Ru source adc counts

10 Test Beam

11 Test Beam

12 VX-Beamtest Setup

13 Test Beam Cooled box fast electronic(CERN) irradiated detectors
Look at degradation of performance

14 R&D Plans Design pn prototype Design full size protoype
Test beam April 1998 slow electronics measure resolution,etc. Irradiation 1998 Test beam September 1998 fast electronics Test beam 1999 test of irradiated detectors test of p-strip detectors Design pn prototype Design full size protoype Evaluation of operating conditions Design of Module F/E electronics

15 Module Design Single Sided r and  module LHCbUK
Thermal Runaway W/mm2 -4 -8 Temperature at Tip (°C) LHCb thick detectors Single Sided r and  module Thermal Model: hold cooling at -10°C

16 p-strip design

17 Modelling

18 Fast Electronics SCT128a

19 RD39 Joint RD39 / LHCb / DELPHI Project
Charge collection possible from radiation damaged diodes at Liquid Nitrogen Temperatures LHCb - interest DELPHI double sided detectors and MX readout

20 RD39/DELPHI/LHCb Test Beam
Chips work at low temperature Module Mechanically stable Irradiated to 4 X 1014 protons/cm2 Several thousand events collected Temperature and bias voltage scans

21 Software LHCb will use C++ Test Beam Software Designed for future use
BUT Technical Proposal work was in FORTRAN Test Beam used to gain experience with new language and Root All reconstruction software in C++ Cluster Making, Event Display, Track Fit, Alignment, Noise Studies... Software Designed for future use both useful code, and class design

22 Future Plans By end of 2000 perform beam test 1/2 Station LHC speed
Radiation Hard Electronics In Vacuum Technical Design Report by 2001 Detector Design On-Detector Electronics Design

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