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Learning Experience Canadian History

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1 Learning Experience 1.2 - Canadian History
Why did the French and other Europeans come to North America and how did they interact with First Peoples? Learning Experience Canadian History

2 If the land was already occupied, why do you think Europeans stayed, and then continued to come and set up communities? They had a need, a worldview, and an ignorance* of cultural differences *this word often carries derogatory meaning, let’s talk about this.

3 Reasons for Exploration and Expansion
Trade route to Asia (Northwest Passage) Mercantilism (resources) Christianization (missionaries) Competition for power (colonization, terra nullius)

4 Empires Involved French British Spanish Portuguese Dutch

5 Terra nullius Definition: a Latin expression meaning “land belonging to no one” that describes territory over which no country has authority. It was clear other people were living on the land (and had been for a long time) First Nations were not Christian, so Europeans believed the land could not belong to them They did not have countries established and no formal government

6 Assignment #2 Correction
Assignment #2- you do NOT have to hand in question #5 However you will be handing in questions 1 and 3 on page 54 And question 1 on page 57 *Reminder to hand in Chapter 1 Essential Question- Who were the First Nations people and how did they shape their world.

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