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Particle physics at the LHC and ATLAS.

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1 Particle physics at the LHC and ATLAS

2 Experimental particle physics depends on two physics principles
Basic assumptions Experimental particle physics depends on two physics principles Conservation of Momentum Conservation of Mass-Energy (E=mc2) and The Standard Model.

3 The Standard Model

4 The LHC and New Physics It’s a time of exciting new discoveries in particle physics! At CERN, the LHC successfully completed RunI, colliding protons at 8 TeV of collision energy to confirm that the measurements correspond well to the Standard Model and then find the Higgs boson. The LHC is now into Run II at an amazing 13 TeV and the task is to look for new phenomena…and we are off to a great start.

5 The LHC and New Physics The LHC is buried ~100 m below the surface near the Swiss-French border.

6 How protons are accelerated

7 Protons Collide If each beam proton has energy 6.5 TeV....
The total collision energy is 2 x 6.5 TeV = 13 TeV. But each particle inside a proton shares only a portion. The collision energy makes new particles, some more massive than the proton. Remember: E=mc2! 7

8 Particle Decays The Higgs boson was discovered by CMS and ATLAS and announced on July 4, This long-sought particle is part of the “Higgs mechanism” that accounts for other particle having mass. We never directly “saw” the Higgs. We detected daughter particles that came from the Higgs as it promptly decayed.

9 Detecting what comes out
Generic Design Cylinders wrapped around the beam pipe From inner to outer . . . Tracking Electromagnetic calorimeter Hadronic calorimeter Magnet* Muon chamber *Location of magnet depends on specific detector design. 9

10 The ATLAS detector

11 The ATLAS Detector Play with ATLAS online at
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12 An ATLAS event What new laws can we discover for elementary particles?

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