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Mentor: Chris Kenney 12 August 2010

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1 Mentor: Chris Kenney 12 August 2010
Research and Development of Silicon Detectors for High Energy Physics and X-Ray Spectrometry ATLAS, CMS and CXI Emily R. Brown Mentor: Chris Kenney 12 August 2010

2 3-D Pixel Detectors Electrodes bored through entire wafer vs. planar technologies where they aren’t Are more difficult to produce than planar detectors Higher resistance to radiation, faster Planar detector 3-D detector Page 2

3 LHC Experiments CMS and ATLAS 2 of 6 experiments on the LHC at CERN
-General detectors looking for various physical phenomena including but not limited to: searching for the Higgs Boson, evidence of dark energy, SUSY -Both are roughly similar in design as well as purpose Page 3

4 Inner Pixel Detector Precise semiconducting silicon pixel detector to track charged particles and record their energies Indium bump-bonding Silicon sensor – initially detects particles, FE processes info from sensor, amplifies signal, MCC then combines individual events, further processes info Page 4

5 SINTEF Problems ATLAS Chips* CMS Chips** Large leakage currents have been recorded after bump-bonding and dicing of ATLAS chips made at SINTEF Could be from Cu in the metal used for bump-bonding, something with the dicing process, or packaging and handling process Data above taken after bumps were applied but before dicing *Angela Kok et. al SINTEF - Oslo, Norway **E. Alagoz et. al Purdue University, Fermilah Page 5

6 ATLAS vs. CMS Wafer tested was not diced, and had no copper bumps added ATLAS chips showed lower leakage current than the CMS chips current is averaged over the three pixels where data was taken on the chip Page 6

7 Conclusions The new data is basically completely different from data from SINTEF - ATLAS chips performed better than CMS, so it may not be something about the packaging or intrinsic geometry of the two - Argues against copper as cause - Argues against dicing as cause Page 7

8 CXI Detector Will be in LCLS hutch to use short, hard x-ray pulses to image nanoparticles, study x-ray matter interactions, individual biological molecules and more Silicon detector diode 2 ASIC read-out chips 2-D ASIC read out chips + 1 sensor diode + 1 analog PCB provides power, voltage, grounding, controls interface=carrier board 2 carrier boards +Al strong-back w/cooling feet= 1 module 4 modules = full detector Page 8

9 X-Ray Fluorescence Page 9

10 One quadrant of CXI detector
CXI Beamline Setup Metal foil One quadrant of CXI detector Detector box Data taken with foils of Cu, Se, and Mo which emit photons of energies 8, 11 and 17 keV Page 10

11 Mo (17.4 keV) 450 μS Pixel energy (ADU) vs. count histogram of ASICs
An Al plate was added to the front to block lower energy photons, lower noise Very preliminary, simplistic analysis 2 ASICs are not like the others Page 11

12 Mo (17.4 keV) 450 μS, high gain 0 photon Peak Single photon peak
Page 12

13 Cu (8 keV) 12 μS, high gain Page 13

14 Se (11 keV) 24 μS, high gain Page 14

15 Cu Low Gain Integration Curve
- In low gain dynamic range about photons ADU Page 15

16 Se Low Gain Integration Curve
ADU Page 16

17 Mo Low Gain Integration Curve
ADU CS Pad/CXI Detector Page 17

18 ALS Testing Preliminary Conclusions
Dynamic range within design specifications Data looks reasonably linear 14 out of 16 ASICs worked Successfully assembled and operated full quadrant with four working 2x2 modules Data should provide calibration of all pixels with further analysis Page 18

19 Acknowledgements Chris Kenney for being an outstanding mentor
John Morse and Stevan Veljovic for being an awesome research group at the ALS and being a great support Steve Rock and the SULI staff for overall wonderful support The DOE for funding and organizing SULI

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