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Attitudes Thinking and Behaviour

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Presentation on theme: "Attitudes Thinking and Behaviour"— Presentation transcript:

1 Attitudes Thinking and Behaviour
Connections with society

2 Transforming Rehabilitation - engaging with the new landscape
About New Bridge Founded in 1956 Creating links between the offender and the community Befriending long sentenced prisoners Befriending and mentoring short sentenced prisoners ‘through the gate’ National network of over 200 volunteers 9th December 2013 Transforming Rehabilitation - engaging with the new landscape

3 Transforming Rehabilitation - engaging with the new landscape
Background Very simple premise… an individual’s connection to society is intrinsically linked with re-offending. Evidence that prison aggravates factors associated with re-offending Visits assist integration through the development of positive, community linkages (Bales & Mears, 2008) 9th December 2013 Transforming Rehabilitation - engaging with the new landscape

4 Transforming Rehabilitation - engaging with the new landscape
Evidence Our research with Birmingham City University found that befriending: Increased motivation to re-establish contacts with those in the community, including family, friends and those working with support organisations. Improved self-esteem and confidence… 9th December 2013 Transforming Rehabilitation - engaging with the new landscape

5 Transforming Rehabilitation - engaging with the new landscape
Evidence 2 The opportunity to challenge their thinking about criminal behaviour More positive thinking about their current and future lives A move towards a more positive sense of personal identity 9th December 2013 Transforming Rehabilitation - engaging with the new landscape

6 Transforming Rehabilitation - engaging with the new landscape
Summary Befriending offenders can provide ‘glue’ – ensuring individuals stick to a given plan Informal support but with clear purpose It can be open ended, providing help for as long as needed Flexible; as many volunteers as it takes to provide support for each individual 9th December 2013 Transforming Rehabilitation - engaging with the new landscape

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