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Into the Blender Ingredients for Healthy School Communities

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1 Into the Blender Ingredients for Healthy School Communities
Healthy Kids Alberta! Stakeholder Forum March 7, 2007 Edmonton, Alberta Good morning! Begin with a stretch break or the Key-up screaming to wake people up especially if they have not moved.

2 WHAT is a blender? “…an electric kitchen appliance with rotating blades used for puréeing, liquefying, or finely chopping.” (Oxford Canadian Dictionary, 1998)

3 What is the PURPOSE of a blender?
“…combine compatible ingredients to produce something that tastes good!” (Doug’s Dictionary of Mixology, 2007)

4 WHAT is a school? “An institution for educating or giving instruction, especially one for students under 19 years.” (Oxford Canadian Dictionary, 1998)

5 What is the PURPOSE of a school?
“…ensure that students attain the knowledge and skills required for lifelong learning, work and citizenship.” (Alberta Education Business Plan: )


7 Lessons from the Blender #1
#1. You need the RIGHT MIX of ingredients! #2. Ingredients need to ALIGN WITH THE PURPOSE of the blender!

8 Thoughts from Research
Children attending schools with an integrated program including daily physical activity healthy lunches only no pop or junk sales nutrition and health education parental / community involvement 59% less overweight 72% less obesity (Veugelers & Fitzgerald, 2005)

9 Comprehensive School Health
A whole school approach where health promotion is addressed by all stakeholders over a long period of time through intense integration, coordination, and enhancements to Curriculum and teaching methods Social & physical environments Family, school, and community partnerships and services

10 Comprehensive School Health
Instruction home To make have an environment change takes a concerted effort and an approach that incorporates all aspects of students lives. Harder? Certainly. Worth it? Certainly. community school Services/supports Environment

11 Successful Comprehensive School Health involves:
Champions of CSH (in and out of schools) Facilitation of planning processes Evidence-based, promising practice Evaluation Multi-level support (sandwich effect)

12 More Research - W.H.O. Sarah Stewart-Brown (2006) found that the most effective Comprehensive School Health Initiatives focused on: Physical Activity (Active Living) A place to start

13 More Research - W.H.O. Sarah Stewart-Brown (2006) found that the most effective Comprehensive School Health Initiatives focused on: Nutrition (Healthy Eating) A place to start

14 More Research - W.H.O. Sarah Stewart-Brown (2006) found that the most effective Comprehensive School Health Initiatives focused on: Mental Health Promotion A place to start

15 Alberta Data ACHSC Survey - Priorities
Nutrition & Bullying/violence prevention (tied for first place) Mental health/well-being Physical activity (Alberta Coalition for Healthy School Communities, 2006)

89% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they have personal passion, commitment and energy for CSH 72% disagreed or strongly disagreed that there are adequate financial resources for CSH. (Alberta Coalition for Healthy School Communities, 2006)

17 Ever Active Schools Evaluation
100% of member schools found the program valuable Percentage of participants reporting inadequate staff resources as a barrier: Member Schools (48) 89.6% Non-member Schools (36) 100% (Ever Active Schools, 2005)

18 Ever Active Schools Evaluation
Percentage of member schools making significant progress towards creating a Healthy Active School Community % Percentage of member schools selecting EAS as the primary contributor % Percentage of non-members who would appreciate support in creating a Healthy Active School Community % (Ever Active Schools, 2005)


20 Lessons from the Blender #2
When we achieve the RIGHT MIX of ingredients and are ALIGNED WITH THE PURPOSE of the blender… How can we ensure there is enough to go around?

21 THANKS! Doug Gleddie

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