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Development And Learning Portfolio
Enep’ut Children’s Center Development And Learning Portfolio
This Belongs to Childs Name
Date Started: Last Updated: Child’s Age When started: Current Age:
Social And Emotional Development
1. Regulates own emotions and behaviors a. Manages feelings b. Follows limits and expectations c. Takes care of own needs appropriately 2. Establishes and sustains positive relationships a. Forms relationships with adults b. Responds to emotional cues c. Interacts with peers d. Makes friends 3. Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations a. Balances needs and rights of self and others b. Solves social problems Section One Social And Emotional Development
Section 1.1 Regulates Own Emotions and Behaviors
1.1.A Manages Feelings Scoring Guide: Date Observed: Score: Notes:
1.1.B Follows Limits and Expectations
Scoring Guide: Date Observed: Score: Notes:
1.1.C Takes Care of Own Needs Appropriately
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 1.2 Establishes and Sustains Positive Relationships
1.2A Forms Relationships with Adults
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
1.2B Responds to Emotional Cues
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
1.2C Interacts with Peers Scoring Guide: Date Observed: Score: Notes:
\ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
1.2D Makes Friends Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 1.3 Participates Cooperatively and Constructively
1.3A Balances Needs and Rights of Self and Others
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
1.3B Solves Social Problems
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section Two Physical Development 4. Demonstrates traveling skills
5. Demonstrates balancing skills 6. Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills 7. Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination a. Uses fingers and hands b. Uses writing and drawing tools Section Two Physical Development
Section 2.4 Demonstrates Traveling Skills
2.4 Demonstrates Traveling Skills
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 2.5 Demonstrates Balancing Skills
2.5 Demonstrates Balancing Skills
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 2.6 Demonstrates Gross-Motor Manipulative Skills
2.6 Demonstrates Gross-Motor Manipulative Skills
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 2.7 Demonstrates Fine-Motor Strength and Coordination
2.7A Uses Fingers and Hands
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
2.7B Uses Writing and Drawing Tools
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section Three Language Development
8. Listens to and understands increasingly complex language a. Comprehends language b. Follows directions 9. Uses language to express thoughts and needs a. Uses an expanding expressive vocabulary b. Speaks clearly c. Uses conventional grammar d. Tells about another time or place 10. Uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills a. Engages in conversations b. Uses social rules of language Section Three Language Development
Section 3.8 Listens and Understands Increasingly Complex Language
3.8A Comprehends Language
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
3.8B Follows Directions Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 3.9 Uses Language to express thoughts and needs
3.9A Uses an Expanding Expressive Vocabulary
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
3.9B Speaks Clearly Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
3.9C Uses Conventional Grammar
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
3.9D Tells About Another Time or Place
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 3.10 Uses Appropriate Conversational and Other Communication Skills
3.10A Engages in Conversation
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
3.10B Uses Social Rules of Language
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Cognitive Development
11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning a. Attends and engages b. Persists c. Solves problems d. Shows curiosity and motivation e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking 12. Remembers and connects experiences a. Recognizes and recalls b. Makes connections 13. Uses classification skills 14. Uses symbols and images to represent something not present a. Thinks symbolically b. Engages in sociodramatic play Section Four Cognitive Development
Section 4.11 Demonstrates Positive Approaches to Learning
4.11A Attends and Engages Scoring Guide: Date Observed: Score: Notes:
\ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
4.11B Persists Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
4.11C Solves Problems Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
4.11D Shows Curiosity and Motivation
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
4.11E Shows Curiosity and Inventiveness in Thinking
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 4.12 Remembers and Connects Experiences
4.12A Recognizes and Recalls
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
4.12B Makes Connections Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 4.13 Uses Classification Skills
4.13 Uses Classification Skills
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 4.14 Uses Symbols and Images to Represent Something Not Present
4.14A Thinks Symbolically Scoring Guide: Date Observed: Score: Notes:
\ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
4.14B Engages in Sociodramatic Play
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section Five Learning Literacy 15. Demonstrates phonological awareness
a. Notices and discriminates rhyme b. Notices and discriminates alliteration c. Notices and discriminates smaller and smaller units of sound 16. Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet a. Identifies and names letters b. Uses letter–sound knowledge 17. Demonstrates knowledge of print and its uses a. Uses and appreciates books b. Uses print concepts 18. Comprehends and responds to books and other texts a. Interacts during read-alouds and book conversations b. Uses emergent reading skills c. Retells stories 19. Demonstrates emergent writing skills a. Writes name b. Writes to convey meaning Section Five Learning Literacy
Section 5.15 Demonstrates Phonological Awareness
5.15A Notices and Discriminates Rhyme
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
5.15B Notices and Discriminates Alliteration
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
5.15C Notices and Discriminates Smaller and Smaller Units of Sound
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 5.16 Demonstrates knowledge of the Alphabet
5.16A Identifies and Names Letters
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
5.16B Uses Letter-Sound Knowledge
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 5.17 Demonstrates Knowledge of Print and It’s Uses
5.17A Uses and Appreciates Books
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
5.17B Uses Print Concepts Scoring Guide: Date Observed: Score: Notes:
\ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 5.18 Comprehends and Responds to Books and Other Tasks
5.18A Interacts During Read-Alouds and Book Conversations
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
5.18B Uses Emergent Reading Skills
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
5.18C Retells Stories Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 5.19 Demonstrates Emergent Writing Skills
5.19A Writes Name Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
5.19B Writes to Convey Meaning
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section Six Using Mathematics 20. Uses number concepts and operations
a. Counts b. Quantifies c. Connects numerals with their quantities 21. Explores and describes spatial relationships and shapes a. Understands spatial relationships b. Understands shapes 22. Compares and measures 23. Demonstrates knowledge of patterns Section Six Using Mathematics
Section 6.20 Uses Number Concepts and Operations
6.20A Counts Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
6.20B Quantifies Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
6.20C Connects Numerals with Their Quantities
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 6.21 Explores and Describes Spatial Relationships
6.21A Understands Spatial Relationships
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
6.21B Understands Shapes Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 6.22 Compares and Measures
6.22 Compares and Measures Scoring Guide: Date Observed: Score: Notes:
\ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 6.23 Demonstrates Knowledge of Patterns
6.23 Demonstrates Knowledge of Patterns
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Understanding Science And Technology
24. Uses scientific inquiry skills 25. Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living things 26. Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials 27. Demonstrates knowledge of Earth’s environment 28. Uses tools and other technology to perform tasks Section Seven Understanding Science And Technology
Section 7.24 Uses Scientific Inquiry Skills
7.24 Uses Scientific Inquiry Skills
As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how each child uses the skills of scientific inquiry. -observes and explores things in environment -reacts to change -manipulates objects to understand their properties -connects new observations to what he or she already knows -identifies problems, makes predictions, thinks of ways to solve problems and tries possible solutions. -organizes information -makes comparisons and classifies -talks with others about discoveries -represents his or her thinking through drawing, dramatizing, graphing or making models Date Observed: Notes:
Section 7.25 Demonstrates Knowledge of the Characteristics of Living Things
7.25 Demonstrates Knowledge of the Characteristics of Living Things
Scoring Guide: As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children related to living things, think about how each child is beginning to understand concepts about living things. -shows a growing ability to classify living and nonliving things -communicates about the characteristics of living things. -demonstrates an understanding that living things grow, change and reproduce. -shows awareness of life in different environments or habitats. -groups or categorizes living things, eg. appearance, behavior, plant or animal. -demonstrates awareness that living things go through a life cycle. Date Observed: Notes:
Section 7.26 Demonstrates Knowledge of Physical Properties of Objects and Materials
7.26 Demonstrates Knowledge of Physical Properties of Objects and Materials
Scoring Guide: As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how each child explores and learns about objects and materials. -examines, describes and measures the observable features of objects -demonstrates understanding that objects are made from one or more materials eg. wood, metal or plastic -communities that the physical properties of objects and materials eg solid ice turns to liquid -displays awareness of natural forces that affect objects and materials eg. wind and gravity -explores and describes ways that objects can be moved in space. Eg. pushing, pulling, rising, or sinking. \ Date Observed: Notes:
Section 7.27 Demonstrates Knowledge of Earth's Environment
7.27 Demonstrates Knowledge of The Earth’s Environment
Scoring Guide: As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how each child is learning concepts about the Earth and the environment. -demonstrates understanding that there are different kinds of weather and that weather changes -describes and measures weather -communicates awareness that the environment changes, e.g. season to season, sometimes slowly and sometimes suddenly -communicates that the earth surface is made of different materials, e.g. rocks, sand, dirt and water, and each material has properties that can be described -shows awareness that different objects can be seen in the sky -demonstrates understanding that people can affect the environment in a positive and negative way. \ Date Observed: Notes:
Section 7.28 Uses Tools and Other Technology to Perform Tasks
7.28 Uses Tools and Other Technology to Perform Tasks
Scoring Guide: As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how each child develops important concepts related to tools and technology. -shows understanding that different tools and technology are used in different places, e.g., finding information, communicating and designing. -demonstrates the appropriate use of various tools and other technology. \ Date Observed: Notes:
Section Eight Social Studies 29. Demonstrates knowledge about self
30. Shows basic understanding of people and how they live 31. Explores change related to familiar people or places 32. Demonstrates simple geographic knowledge Section Eight Social Studies
Section 8.29 Demonstrates Knowledge About Self
8.29 Demonstrates Knowledge About Self
Scoring Guide: As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how each child demonstrates knowledge of him- or herself. -demonstrates understanding that each person has a unique characteristics, ways of communicating and ways of solving problems -communicates that each person is part of a family that has unique characteristics -shows awareness that each person has basic needs that must be met to stay healthy, e.g., food, clothing, shelter. \ Date Observed: Notes:
Section 8.30 Basic Understanding of People and how they live
8.30 Shows Basic Understanding of People and How They Live
Scoring Guide: As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how each child demonstrates understandings related to people and how they live. -shows awareness that there are similarities and differences among people and families -demonstrates understanding of the carious jobs of people in the community -shows understanding that people buy, sell, and trade to get goods and services that they do not raise, make or find themselves. -communicates about the various means of transportation that people use to move goods and go from place to place. -shows increasing awareness that respect for others, cooperations and fairness help us get along in communities. -demonstrates increasing understanding that there are rules in our homes, schools and community and that each rule's has a purpose. -communicates understand that people have various rights and responsibilities. \ Date Observed: Notes:
Section 8.31 Explores Change Related to Familiar People or Places
8.31 Explores Change Related to Familiar People or Places
Scoring Guide: As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how each child explores the concept of change. -demonstrates understanding that people and things change over time. -shows that time can be measured -communicates about time, e.g., uses words such as yesterday, today, tomorrow, day, week, month, minute, hour \ Date Observed: Notes:
Section 8.32 Demonstrates Simple Geographic Knowledge
8.32 Demonstrates Simple Geographic Knowledge
Scoring Guide: As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how they demonstrate simple geographic knowledge -demonstrates understanding that we are surrounded by geographical features, e.g., mountains, gill, desert, lake, river, creek, bayou and there specific information that identifies a location, e.g., address -communicates that we depend on people who live far away fro many necessities and information -shows increasing understanding that maps are tools with symbols that us locate objects, find where we are, and where we are going. \ Date Observed: Notes:
Section Nine Exploring The Arts 33. Explores the visual arts
34. Explores musical concepts and expression 35. Explores dance and movement concepts 36. Explores drama through actions and language Section Nine Exploring The Arts
Section 9.33 Explores the Visual Arts
9.33 Explores the Visual Arts
Scoring Guide: As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how each child creates and responds to the visual arts. -shows appreciation for various forms of visual arts -shows appreciation for the artwork of peers -communicates what he or she sees and how it makes him or her feel. -uses and cares for art materials -explores different materials, tools and processes -shows increasing awareness of color, line. Form, texture, space and design in his or her artwork or the work of others. -communicates about his or her artwork, e.g., what it is made of, what he or she was thinking and from where the idea come. \ Date Observed: Notes:
Section 9.34 Explores Musical Concepts and Expression
9.34 Explores Musical Concepts and Expression
Scoring Guide: As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how each child relates to musical concepts and expressions -shows awareness and appreciation of different kinds of music -expresses thoughts, feelings, and energy through music. -shoes increasing awareness of various components of music: melody (tune), pitch (high and low sounds), rhythm (the beat), tempo (speed), dynamics (changes in volume), and timbre (sound quality distinguishing one instrument or voice from another.) \ Date Observed: Notes:
Section 9.35 Explores Dance and Musical Concepts
9.35 Explores Dance and Musical Concepts
Scoring Guide: As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how each child relates to dance and movement. -communicates feelings and ideas through dance and movement -demonstrates spatial awareness (Were the body moves): location (separate or shared space); directions (up or down, forward or backwards); levels (low, middle, high); and pathways (straight, curved, zigzag) -demonstrates effort awareness (how the body moves): speed (fast or slow); force (strong or light); and control (bound or free) -demonstrates relational awareness (relationships the body creates): with the physical self (body parts); with body shapes and size (big, small, straight); roles with other people (leading or following, mirroring, alternating); and in space (near or far, over or under, around or through) \ Date Observed: Notes:
Section 9.36 Explores Drama Through Actions and Language
9.36 Explores Drama Through Actions and Language
Scoring Guide: As you create exploratory opportunities and plan experiences for children, think about how each child explores drama. -shows that real-life roles can be enacted -communicates a message or story through action and dialogue -represents ideas through drama, e.g., pretends to be the big bad wolf. -shows appreciation of the dramatizations of others. Note: see Objective 14 for related information about sociodramatic play. \ Date Observed: Notes:
English Language Acquisition
37. Demonstrates progress in listening to and understanding English 38. Demonstrates progress in speaking English Section Ten English Language Acquisition
Section 10.37 Demonstrates Progress in Listening to and Understanding English
10.37 Demonstrates Progress in Listening to and Understanding English
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
Section 10.38 Demonstrates Progress in Speaking English
10.38 Demonstrates Progress in Speaking English
Scoring Guide: \ Date Observed: Score: Notes:
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