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via local thermodynamic effects on the life-cycle of storms

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1 via local thermodynamic effects on the life-cycle of storms
VERA VERA project will look at impacts of vegetation on rainfall in West Africa: via local thermodynamic effects on the life-cycle of storms regionally via recycling of moisture at the land surface from the land’s impact on regional circulations

2 VERA UM runs UM8.2 Improved JULES land surface:
improved land cover map, simplified soil information (all sandy soil) April-July, 2 years, 2010 land cover April-July, 2 years, 1950 land cover 40km P 12km P 12km E 4km E 2x July Great green wall April-May Deforested Liberia 10x10 days to understand predictability

3 VERA UM runs – vegetation cover
Standard UM forest cover as used in Cascade ESA CCI forest cover to be used in VERA

4 Tracking of storms in Cascade

5 Composite evaporative fraction for Sahelian initiation points
Composite EF from Taylor et al 2013

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