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1980’s-90’s Reagan – Clinton.

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1 1980’s-90’s Reagan – Clinton

2 Ronald Reagan Calif. Gov. – Conservative Republican
Signed INF Treaty with Gorbachev, promising to destroy 2,500 missiles in Europe Believed in supply side (trickle down) economics. Offer businesses tax cuts Businesses would, in turn, hire more workers and produce more goods

3 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Nicaragua
Often called “Star Wars” Planned to have lasers in space shoot down nuclear missiles launched at the U.S. by other countries Nicaragua Aided the contras (counterrevolutionaries) of Nicaragua Fought the Sandanistas, the ruling Marxist group of Nicaragua

4 George Bush Cold War ended Berlin Wall came down
Boris Yeltsin became 1st elected President of Russia 1991 – Bush and Gorbachev signed Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)

5 Persian Gulf War Persian Gulf War / Operation Desert Storm
Dictator Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait The U.S. entered the war when Hussein refused to withdraw Led by Collin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf 700,000 troops from US, Britain, France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia 5 day ground war.

6 Bill Clinton Arkansas Dem. Gov.
Lost a battle with Congress over universal health care. Opponents said it would be too expensive and was “big government” Republicans, under Newt Gingrich, called for a CONTRACT WITH AMERICA… a pledge to end big government

7 Impeachment August 1994, prosecutor Kenneth Starr and Att. Gen. Janet Reno investigates Whitewater investments by the Clintons Affair with WH intern emerges Lying under oath “purgery” Escapes impeachment

8 Clinton battled Congressional Republicans through his entire Presidency
Arranged the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which ended trade restrictions with Canada and Mexico

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