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n green bottles hanging on a wall...

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Presentation on theme: "n green bottles hanging on a wall..."— Presentation transcript:

1 n green bottles hanging on a wall...
and if one green bottle should accidently fall...

2 green bottles hanging on a wall
There'll be n - 1 green bottles hanging on a wall

3 There are n pupils in this class
What can n + 4 pupils mean?

4 There are p players in this team
What can p - 3 players mean?

5 There are d ducks in the pond
What can d - 2 ducks mean? What can 2d ducks mean?

6 Answer the questions from activity 1 in your booklet.

7 I buy 2 items that cost £a each.
I pay with a £10 note. How much change do I get? If it’s tricky, draw a piccy! £10 change £a £a

8 So, the amount of change can be expressed as:
10 – a x 2 Omit the x and the expression becomes 10 – 2a £10 change £a £a

9 Answer the questions from activity 2 in your booklet.


11 Answer the questions from activity 3 in your booklet.

12 What would be an expression for
How do you find the volume of a cube? What would be an expression for the volume of this cube? a x a x a = a3

13 b × 4 × b = 4b2 Answer the questions from activity 4 in your booklet.


15 On your whiteboards, can you write an expression for this situation?
Can you write another one? Write an expression to match each diagram

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