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Empathy presentation. By Lucas..

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Presentation on theme: "Empathy presentation. By Lucas.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Empathy presentation. By Lucas.

2 Empathy is when you know how other people feel sad, happy and mad.
.. U ! ! M ,, n

3 You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. -Atticus Finch.

4 What it means is to see things from the person point of view.

5 I know how you feel, it happened to me to!
I lost my teddy bear! What's the matter? .. ^ ,, O ,, O .. O

6 I know, it happened to me to!
What’s the matter? I know, it happened to me to! I lost my baseball. ,, O .. O ,, O

7 Feeling happy? Yeah! Me to! .. U .. U

8 Now I know how you feel about that!
Your right! WOW! .. O .. O That was amazing! Now I know how you feel about that! .. U .. O .. U

9 I know how you feel. I lost my favorite game. Are you ok? .. O ,, n ,, O

10 I know how you feel, it happened to me to!
Everybody always makes fun of me. Why are you so sad? ,, n ,, O .. O ,, n

11 This is why empathy is important.
.. U

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